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Create secret scope and add keys to Databricks

Learn how to create references to secrets in Databricks.

Before you create a scope and add keys for secrets in Databricks, you must have completed the first stage where you create the secrets in the cloud platform, Configure Azure cloud storage for Databricks.
Store the secrets in Databricks Secrets and use only the secret name from Databricks in the Data Pipeline Hub configuration. Refer to the Databricks Secrets API to store the secrets in Databricks.
To store the secrets in Databricks:
  1. Create a secret scope:
     "scope": "<ScopeName>",
     "initial_manage_principal": "users"
    Note: Take note of the scope name as you need it for the steps that follow.
  2. Add the secret for the Staging container:
     "scope": "<ScopeName>",
     "key": "<SecretName>",
     "string_value": "<SecretValue>"
    • ScopeName - Scope you created in Step 1.

    • KeyName - Name of the secret to be used in the DPH tenant configuration, in its stagingStorageAccountCredSecretName parameter.

    • SecretValue - Secret credential value.

  3. Add the secret for the Target container:
     "scope": "<ScopeName>",
     "key": "<SecretName>",
     "string_value": "<SecretValue>"
    • ScopeName - Scope you created in Step 1.

    • KeyName - Name of the secret to be used in the DPH tenant configuration, in the tableStorageAccountCredSecretName parameter.

    • SecretValue - Secret credential value.

  4. If the authentication method is Keys or SAS token, add the secret for connection string of the Staging container:
     "scope": "<ScopeName>",
     "key": "<SecretName>",
     "string_value": "<SecretValue>"
    • ScopeName - Scope you created in Step 1.

    • KeyName - Name of the secret to be used in the DPH tenant configuration, in the stagingStorageAccountConnectionStringSecretName parameter.

    • SecretValue - Secret credential value.

After you've stored the secrets, you're ready to Connect Reltio to Azure cloud storage.