Accelerate the Value of Data

Purview Integration details

Learn about Reltio Integration for Purview and how it maps Reltio objects to Purview data assets.

Reltio Integration for Purview is implemented through our Reltio Integration Hub (RIH). The integration consists of Reltio and Purview connections and recipes to read the tenant business config from Reltio and create corresponding objects in Purview.

The integration supports these objects:
  • Entity types
  • Entity attributes - Simple, Nested, Reference
  • Relationship types
  • Relationship attributes - Simple, Nested

The foundation of the integration is creating the EntityDefs in Purview's Data Map for every Reltio object. It defines the structure of the entities, attributes, relationships, and their types.

ReltioEntityDef in Purview
Entity Typereltio_entity_type
Simple attribute (Entity Type, Relationship Type)reltio_attribute
Nested attribute (Entity Type, Relationship Type)
Reference attribute (Entity Type)
Relationship Typereltio_relationship_type

Later the integration creates a Reltio System as an Entity in Purview's Data Map. The Reltio tenant is created also as an Entity under the Reltio System in Purview using the implements relationship.

The Reltio System contains these properties: description, displayName (same as Reltio label), name (last part of Reltio URI), qualifiedName (unique identifier).

The Reltio Tenant contains these properties: description, displayName, isActive (if entity is not removed on Reltio), name, qualifiedName, updatedBy (autopopulated), and updatedTime (autopopulated).

Properties are descriptive attributes or metadata that provide context about the data asset, helping with discovery, management, and governance without affecting the actual structure or format of the data.

The Purview Entity qualifiedName is derived using <collectionId>/<env>/<tenantld>/<URI>. Since the Entity qualifiedName uses the tenant ID and env, it is always unique for a tenant, so the same Purview account can be used for multiple tenants.

You can verify the created entities by searching it under DataMap >Domains> Default Collection > Assets.

To ensure Entities appear in the Data Catalog add them manually to Purview Data Product where they need to be published. Entities will appear in the Data Catalog assigned to chosen Data Products as Data Assets, with their attributes (subnested and referenced attributes not included) in the Schema section. Schema section is available only for the Entities of specific Asset types: Reltio Entity Type, Reltio Relationship Type.

Schema defines the structure of the data and dictates how the data is stored, queried, and maintained. It governs how data must be formatted and what relationships exist within the data.

Reltio objects mapping to Purview entities

These Reltio objects are mapped to Purview entities.
Entity types
Entity Types within a tenant are created as Entities called Reltio MDM Entity in Purview with a contains relationship with the tenant.

Also, Reltio MDM Entity contains these properties: description, displayName, isAbstract (if the entity is abstract on Reltio), isActive, name, and qualifiedName

Relationship Types
Relationship Types within a tenant are created as Entities called Reltio Relationship Type in Purview with a contains relationship relationship with the tenant. Reltio Relationship Type Entity has relations with two Reltio MDM Entity Entities – start_relationship and end_relationship. Relationship attributes are added as Entities called Reltio Attributes with a contains relation with the Reltio Relationship Type Entity.

The following example shows a Contact Reltio MDM Entity Entity connected to has address Reltio Relationship Type Entity with start_relationship Relationship. Later, has address Reltio Relationship Type Entity is connected to Location Reltio Entity Type Entity with end_relationship Relationship.

The has address Reltio Relationship Type Entity has four simple data attributes with contains relation: Address Type, Address Rank, Active, and Status.

Relationship attributes can further have a contains relation with the Reference attribute. In the example below, the Address Type relationship data attributes is referenced by the Contact Reltio Entity Type Entity.

Also, Reltio Relationship Type Entities contain the same properties as Reltio Entity Type Entities: description, displayName, isActive, name, and qualifiedName.

All Reltio Attribute Entities (Simple, Nested, and Reference) may contain these properties, depending on the availability in Reltio:
  • dataType (Nested, Reference or data type for Simple attributes),
  • description, displayName, isActive, name, qualifiedName,
  • faceted
  • hidden
  • important
  • PII
  • RDMAttributeName
  • required
  • searchable
  • system

Simple Attributes
Simple attributes are created as Entities called Reltio Attribute in Purview with a contains relationship with its entity.

Nested Attributes
Nested attributes are created as Entities called Reltio Attribute in Purview with a contains relationship with its entity. Subnested attributes are also created as Entities called Reltio Attribute with a contains relationship with the parent nested attribute.

The following example shows a Contact Reltio Entity Type that contains the Email nested attribute, which further contains multiple subnested attributes like username, domain type, and so on.

Reference Attributes
A Reference attribute in a Reltio Entity Type is also created as Entities called Reltio Attribute in Purview with a contains relationship with its entity. Subreferenced attributes are also created as Entities called Reltio Attribute with a contains relationship with the parent reference attribute.

The following example shows a Contact Reltio Entity Type entity with a Reference attribute called Address, which contains multiple simple attributes like verification status, PO Box, state, and country with some nested attributes like Zip and Geo Location.

Lookup tables

The integration uses these lookup tables.
Purview Created Assets
Stores Purview asset GUID. Used for soft delete of Purview assets.
Purview Reference Attributes Table
Stores ID of reference attributes and its array of referred URIs. This is created for avoiding going through the L3 configuration twice in order to create reference attributes.
Purview Recursion Table
Acts as a stack for storing function calls for implementing recursive calls for processing nested attributes. Stores attribute's json, asset ID of parent, asset type of parent, and relationship type. Contains a dummy field called processed which is not used but is required for getting a single entry from the table.