Unify and manage your data

Example - Add new field for Salesforce in Search

Learn how to add a new field in SBC recipe.

To add a new Salesforce field in Search:
  1. Log into your Salesforce account.
  2. Navigate to SFDC > Search Before Create > 2-Process.
  3. Select the SFDC | PROC | SBC - Search Process for Account - Reltio and Salesforce recipe
  4. Select Step 2.
  5. In the right pane, under the List item schema section, select Add field.
  6. Add details of the new Salesforce field, and make it optional.
  7. Select Step 11.
  8. In the right pane, under the Fields to retrieve section, add the new Salesforce account.
  9. Select Step 15.
  10. In the right pane, in the New account field, select the optional field you created.
  11. Select Step 17.
  12. Add mapping from Salesforce to Reltio as shown above.
  13. Select Step 23.
  14. In the right pane, under the Output fields section, select Add field and add the new Salesforce account field.
  15. In the right pane, under the Code section, add this code:
    let accountNewField = obj.attributes.NewOrganizationField && obj.attributes.NewOrganizationField.length > 0 ? obj.attributes.NewOrganizationField[0].value : "";
  16. Additionally, add this code:
    if(accountNewField!== undefined && accountNewField !== null) {
        salesforceObject.NewOrganizationField = accountNewField;
  17. Select Step 24.
  18. In the New account field, add the newly created Salesforce field.