Accelerate the Value of Data

Salesforce Object to Reltio Entity Conversion

The API converts Salesforce objects to Reltio entities and relations.

The result contains all entities and relations in a format that Reltio will allow during the synchronization process.


POST: {SFDCConnectorUrl}/mapper/{tenant}/{profile}/convert/to_reltio
Table 1. Parameters
Parameters Name Required Description Example
Headers authorization true Authorization header Bearer {oauth_token}
Path tenant true Reltio tenantId someTenant
Path profile true Profile Id 000000000000012345
Body true Array of sobjects to be converted to entities and relations
    "type": "Account",
    "sobject": {
      "parentRecordTypeId": "012f4000000YFagAAG",
      "parentType": "Account",
      "parentIdFieldName": "ParentId",
      "LastModifiedDate": "2019-01-01T12:00:00.000Z",
      "Name": "TestCompany",
      "RecordTypeId": "012f4000000txv4AAA",
      "ParentId": "001f400000wC5IGAA0",
      "Id": "001f400000wC5RRAA0"


The response is an array of JSON objects and each object has parameters:

Name Description Example
entities List of entities and relations converted from sobject
"entities": [
    "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Company1",
    "attributes": {
      "Name": [
          "value": "TestCompany"
    "crosswalks": [
        "type": "configuration/sources/SFDC",
        "sourceTable": "Account",
        "uri": "/001f400000wC5RRAA0",
        "value": "001f400000wC5RRAA0",
        "dataProvider": true,
        "contributorProvider": false
relations List of entity JSON to be posted to Reltio
"relations": [
    "type": "configuration/relationTypes/Affiliation",
    "startObject": {
      "crosswalks": [
          "type": "configuration/sources/SFDC",
          "sourceTable": "Account",
          "value": "001f400000wC5IGAA0"
    "endObject": {
      "crosswalks": [
          "type": "configuration/sources/SFDC",
          "sourceTable": "Account",
          "value": "001f400000wC5RRAA0"
    "crosswalks": [
        "type": "configuration/sources/SFDC",
        "sourceTable": "Account.Account.Affiliation",
        "value": "001f400000wC5RRAA0"
filtered Indicates if the sobject will be filtered according to mapping, during synchronization
    "entities": [],
    "relations": [],
    "filtered": false
errors Array of error messages if error occurred during the execution of operation for the corresponding Salesforce Type
"errors": [
      "Object type is not specified",
      "No mapping found for type SomeType and record type 012f4000000YFagAAG"

Full Response Example

    "entities": [
        "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Company1",
        "attributes": {
          "Name": [
              "value": "TestCompany"
        "crosswalks": [
            "type": "configuration/sources/SFDC",
            "sourceTable": "Account",
            "uri": "/001f400000wC5RRAA0",
            "value": "001f400000wC5RRAA0",
            "dataProvider": true,
            "contributorProvider": false
    "relations": [
        "type": "configuration/relationTypes/Affiliation",
        "startObject": {
          "crosswalks": [
              "type": "configuration/sources/SFDC",
              "sourceTable": "Account",
              "value": "001f400000wC5IGAA0"
        "endObject": {
          "crosswalks": [
              "type": "configuration/sources/SFDC",
              "sourceTable": "Account",
              "value": "001f400000wC5RRAA0"
        "crosswalks": [
            "type": "configuration/sources/SFDC",
            "sourceTable": "Account.Account.Affiliation",
            "value": "001f400000wC5RRAA0"
    "filtered": false
    "errors": [
      "Object type is not specified"
    "errors": [
      "No mapping found for type SomeType and record type 012f4000000YFagAAG"