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Monitoring Background Jobs

Learn about the monitoring background jobs process.

The Monitoring background jobs process lists an event's destination, reads event and notification files, and uploads them to the corresponding Reltio tenant. Start the monitoring background job manually to process incoming data immediately, or schedule it using an ordinary cron expression.

This table lists and describes the background monitoring files.

File TypeExampleDescriptionProcessing
Seed headerReltio_LOD_Test_CMPELF_20201130162815_SEEDFILE_HEADER.jsonSeed header file contains metadata of the provided seed files.Updates the job context.
SeedReltio_LOD_Test_CMPELF_20201130162815_SEEDFILE_1.zipInitial data file with full details of each DUNS number in initial monitoring registration creation.Uploads as enrichment data.
Notification headerReltio_LOD_Test_CMPELF_20201201160409_NOTIFICATION_HEADER.jsonMetadata file for notification. Contains the list of notification files included in the notification.Updates the job context.
NotificationReltio_LOD_Test_CMPELF_20201202000712_NOTIFICATION_1.zipNotification file with full product details for each changed DUNS number.Uploads as enrichment data - as status and flag updater for events like DELETE, TRANSFER, and so on.
ExceptionsReltio_LOD_Test_CMPELF_20201202080605_Exceptions_1.zipExceptions files generated by DnB as a response to batch adding or removing DUNS numbers from the monitoring registration.Uploads as an entity update with partial override.
Note: A cron-scheduled background monitoring process automatically calculates the new files on each iteration by searching for previously started jobs and extracting the max file timestamp from them. It uses this timestamp as a starting point for the new job. Monitoring background jobs started without a cron expression treat all existing files in the destination location as new and process them accordingly.


Start or schedule monitoring background job
POST {DnBConnectorUri}/monitoring/background

Example: Background job starting

POST {{DnBConnectorUrl}}/b2bIntegration/dnb/monitoring/background
Table 1. Parameters
ParameterNameRequired Description
HeadersContent-TypeYesMust be "Content-Type: application/json".
EnvironmentUrlYesEnvironment URL of the tenant.

For example:

AuthorizationYesAccess Token in Bearer {{YourTokenId}} format.
TenantIdYesTenant ID.
DnB-UserYesDnB Direct+ multiprocess username.
DnB-PasswordYesDnB Direct+ multiprocess username.
DnB-RegistrationYesDnB registration identifier.
notificationEmailsNoEnables email notifications for FAILED job cases.

You can add email addresses separated by comma (,) to the list of recipients for receiving the notifications. For example,,

awsAccessKeyYesAWS access key.
Note: This parameter requires access to a monitoring registration S3 location.
awsSecretKeyYesAWS secret key.
Note: This parameter requires access to a monitoring registration S3 location.
S3RegionNoThe S3 region to access the bucket specified in the monitoring registration. The default value is us-east-1.
stpUserNoD&B STP username - part of basic auth credentials for access to D&B STP.
Note: This parameter requires to access a monitoring registration STP location.
stpPasswordNoD&B STP password - part of basic auth credentials for access to D&B STP.
Note: This parameter requires to access a monitoring registration STP location.
entityTypeNoThe monitoring background process has no source to know about the entity type it should create on a tenant. Use this entityType parameter specify the full name of a special entity type in your L3 configuration that must be updated by the connector.

By default, this parameter specifies the Organization entity type: configuration/entityTypes/Organization.

cronExpressionNoThe Reltio Enrichment with D&B can schedule batch jobs using standard cron expressions.
Note: Expression is available in the UTC time zone. Please convert it to your local time before you start the job.
  • You cannot create a schedule which runs batch jobs too often - configured in instance parameter cron.job.min.interval in seconds.
  • You cannot schedule jobs per tenant as configured in the connector instance environment variable
overrideUpwHierarchyNoReltio Enrichment with D&B creates a new upward hierarchy according to the DnB hierarchy specified in the corporate linkage from the target organization to the global ultimate organization. It doesn't delete the old relations.
Note: The default value is False.
partialOverrideNoEnables or disables the use of the partialOverride parameter for calls to the Reltio Platform:
  • true: Writes the entity with values from both the partialOverride and disableNestedPartialOverride parameters. This setting doesn't guarantee the preservation of old data. It relies on the platform's built-in override behavior. However, some of the new information overwrites the existing data as shown in the Example scenarios section.
    Note: The default value is true.
  • false: Writes the entity with only the value of the disableNestedPartialOverride parameter based on the platform's default behavior for overwrites. This setting overwrites all attributes, even if the new values are null as shown in the Example scenarios section.

  • The Reltio Enrichment with D&B operates only with DnB crosswalks; it doesn't interfere with information from other crosswalks.

  • The enableNestedPartialOverride parameter in physical tenant configuration doesn't impact the overriding nested attributes behavior because every request has been done with disableNestedPartialOverride parameter.

Example scenarios

The scenarios in the following tables are based on this example data:

Before running the monitoring background job:
  • Source entity
    • Phone 9191111111 - Reltio crosswalk
  • Seed file
    • Case 1:
      • Phone - empty
      • Global Ultimate DUNS - empty
    • Case 2:
      • Phone - 9193333333
      • Global Ultimate DUNS - 111111111
After running the Get company details to enrich the data:
  • Enriched entity
    • Phone 9192222222 - DnB crosswalk from get-detailed
    • Global Ultimate DUNS 000000000 - DnB crosswalk from get-detailed
These tables describe the effects of the override parameters after running the monitoring background job:
  • Case 1 - when the Seed file hierarchy is empty.

  • Case 2 - when the Seed file hierarchy contains changed data.

Table 2. bgmon results when the seed file hierarchy file is empty
overrideUpwHierarchypartialOverrideEntity's hierarchy changedAttributes changedD&B crosswalk updates
  • Updates the phone number to empty value, based on the Seed file of case 1 of the DnB crosswalk.
  • Overrides the Global Ultimate DUNS in the Seed file's empty hierarchy and updates the value to empty value from 000000000 of the enriched DnB crosswalk.
  • Phone value remains from get enriched crosswalk 9192222222.
  • The Global Ultimate DUNS value remains 000000000 from the enriched DnB crosswalk.
  • Phone value remains from get enriched crosswalk 9192222222.
  • The Global Ultimate DUNS value remains 000000000 from the enriched DnB crosswalk.
  • Phone value is empty - updated from the Seed file.
  • Overwrites the Global Ultimate DUNS from the Seed file's empty hierarchy and updates the value to empty from 000000000 of the enriched DnB crosswalk.
Table 3. Results when the seed file hierarchy contains updated data
overrideUpwHierarchypartialOverrideEntity's hierarchy changedAttributes changedResults
  • Overwrites the phone number, 9193333333, from Seed and updates the same DnB crosswalk.
  • The platform overrides the Global Ultimate DUNS value, from 000000000 to 111111111, from Seed hierarchy and updates the same DnB crosswalk.
  • The platform overwrites the phone number, from 9192222222 to 9193333333, from Seed and updates the same DnB crosswalk.
  • The system updates the Global Ultimate DUNS value, from 000000000 to 111111111, from Seed hierarchy and updates the same DnB crosswalk.
  • The platform overwrites the phone number, 9193333333, from Seed and updates the same in DnB crosswalk.
  • The platform updates the Global Ultimate DUNS value, from 000000000 to 111111111, from Seed hierarchy and updates the same DnB crosswalk.
  • The platform overwrites the phone number, from 9192222222 to 9193333333, from Seed and updates the same DnB crosswalk.
  • The platform updates the Global Ultimate DUNS value, from 000000000 to 111111111, from Seed hierarchy and updates the same DnB crosswalk.


    "jobId": 5677455771697152,
    "success": "OK",
    "message": "Scheduled"

Use the get batch job status request to obtain the background job status. For more information, see topic Get Job Status.