Getting a Reltio Access Token from a Third Party IDP
Get an access token from a third party.
Name | Required | Description | |
Headers | Authorization | Yes | Client identifier, will be provided by Reltio. Will start with "Basic". |
Query | username
| Yes | A username or email of end user registered in Reltio database and in third-party Identify Provider System. |
| Yes | A password (or Access Token) of end user registered in third-party Identity Provider System. | |
| Yes | Type of access token request. Possible value: grant_type=password . | |
idp_system | Yes | Identifier for third-party Identity Provider System. Possible third-party IdP: Salesforce. |
Request for Salesforce
Name | Required | Description | |
Headers | Authorization | Yes | Client identifier, will be provided by Reltio. Will start with "Basic". |
Query | username
| Yes | A username or email of end user registered in Reltio database and in third-party Identify Provider System. |
| Yes | A password (or Access Token) of end user registered in third-party Identity Provider System. | |
| Yes | Type of access token request. Possible value: grant_type=password . | |
| Yes | Identifier for third-party Identity Provider System "salesforce ". |
If authentication is passed successfully, then the response will contain a JSON object with the following structure:
Property | Required | Description | Type |
token_type | Yes | Type of OAuth2 token. For our Oauth2 server implementation it is always "Bearer" (additional information about "Bearer" can be found here). | String |
scope | Yes | An array of access scopes for which the access token is valid. In our implementation we have the following scopes:
| Array of Strings |
refresh_token | Yes | This value will be used for refreshing expired access token (see "Refresh token"). | String |
expires_in | Yes | Time period in seconds when access token will be expired. When access token is expired, it should be refreshed (see "Refresh token"). | String |
entityURI | URI of an entity object that is associated with authenticated user. | String | |
access_token | Yes | Access token that should be used for signing Configuration, Data API requests. | String |