Accelerate the Value of Data

Search Connections

Use this API to search and filter entities using attributes or crosswalk IDs.

Use the Search connections to search for entities using attributes or crosswalk IDs and retrieve these entities along with their relationships. You can also specify additional filtering on the attributes.

Let us take the following example to understand the API.

We have the following three entity types:

  • Person - James Young, Kira Lofton, James Smith

  • Agreement - Agreement1, Agreement2, Agreement3, Agreement4

  • Household - Household1, Household 2, Household3, Household4

We also have the following relations between these entity types:

  • Person to Agreement

  • Person to Household

PersonPerson to AgreementPerson to Household
James YoungAgreement 1, Agreement 2, Agreement 3Household1, Household2
Kira LoftonAgreement 3, Agreement 4Household3, Household4
James SmithAgreement 1, Agreement 4Household1
Using these examples, let us see how we can search for persons using attributes and crosswalk IDs and retrieve the corresponding agreement and household details for each person, all in a single API call.

Search entities by attributes

Searches for persons based on the attribute values, and returns the agreement and household details.


POST /entities/_searchConnections?&max=25&returnFullRelations=false&returnAnalyticAttributes=false&returnReferenceAttributes=false

	"filter": "equals(type,'configuration/entityTypes/Person') and fuzzy(attributes.FirstName,'James')",
	"connections": [
			"outRelations": [
					"uri": "configuration/relationTypes/PersonToAgreement"
			"outRelations": [
					"uri": "configuration/relationTypes/PersonToHousehold"

In this query parameter:

  • max : Is the maximum number of search results that must be displayed

  • returnFullRelations: If false, then returns only the attributes and crosswalk details about the relation or connection details such as relationship type, start entity URI and end entity URI. If true, the latency of the API is higher.

  • returnAnalyticAttributes: Denotes whether analytical attributes must be returned for entities. If true, the latency of the API is higher, even if there are no analytical attributes for the returned entities.
  • returnReferenceAttributes : Denotes whether reference attributes of the entity must be returned. If returnReferenceAttributes=true, then the latency of the API could be higher even if there are no reference attributes for returned entities. By default, this is set to false.

  "entities": [
      "uri": "entities/01bpkU9",
      "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Agreement",
     "attributes": {
        "Type": [
          	"value": "Copyright",
        "Number": [
             "value": "2",
      "isFavorite": false,
      "crosswalks": [
           "type": "configuration/sources/HMS",
            "value": "Agreement2",
      "analyticsAttributes": {},
      "label": "Copyright 2",
      "secondaryLabel": ""
      "uri": "entities/01bp87p",
      "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Household",
     "attributes": {
        "Caption": [
            "value": "Household1",
      "isFavorite": false,
      "crosswalks": [
          "value": "01bp87p",
      "analyticsAttributes": {},
      "label": "Household1",
      "secondaryLabel": ""
      "uri": "entities/01bpokP",
      "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Agreement",
      "attributes": {
        "Type": [
             "value": "Copyright",
        "Number": [
            "value": "3",
      "isFavorite": false,
      "crosswalks": [
           "value": "Agreement3",
      "analyticsAttributes": {},
      "label": "Copyright 3",
      "secondaryLabel": ""
      "uri": "entities/01bpt0f",
      "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Agreement",
      "attributes": {
        "Type": [
             "value": "Copyright",
        "Number": [
             "value": "4",
      "isFavorite": false,
      "crosswalks": [
          "value": "Agreement4",
      "analyticsAttributes": {},
      "label": "Copyright 4",
      "secondaryLabel": ""
      "uri": "entities/01bpgDt",
      "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Agreement",
     "attributes": {
        "Type": [
             "value": "Copyright",
        "Number": [
            "value": "1",
      "isFavorite": false,
      "crosswalks": [
          "value": "Agreement1",
      "analyticsAttributes": {},
      "label": "Copyright 1",
      "secondaryLabel": ""
      "uri": "entities/01bpxGv",
      "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Person",
      "attributes": {
        "LastName": [
             "value": "Smith",
        "FirstName": [
            "value": "James",
      "isFavorite": false,
      "crosswalks": [
          "value": "01bpxGv",
      "analyticsAttributes": {},
      "label": "James Smith,",
      "secondaryLabel": ""
      "uri": "entities/01bpCO5",
      "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Household",
      "attributes": {
        "Caption": [
            "value": "Household2",
      "isFavorite": false,
      "crosswalks": [
           "value": "01bpCO5",
      "analyticsAttributes": {},
      "label": "Household2",
      "secondaryLabel": ""
      "uri": "entities/01boiYH",
      "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Person",
      "attributes": {
        "LastName": [
            "value": "Young",
        "FirstName": [
            "value": "James",
      "isFavorite": false,
      "crosswalks": [
          "value": "01boiYH",
      "analyticsAttributes": {},
      "label": "James Young,",
      "secondaryLabel": ""
  "relations": [
      "uri": "relations/01bos8r",
      "type": "configuration/relationTypes/PersonToAgreement",
      "startObject": {
        "objectURI": "entities/01bpxGv"
      "endObject": {
        "objectURI": "entities/01bpgDt"
      "uri": "relations/01bob5p",
      "type": "configuration/relationTypes/PersonToHousehold",
      "startObject": {
        "objectURI": "entities/01boiYH"
      "endObject": {
        "objectURI": "entities/01bp87p"
      "uri": "relations/01boK2n",
      "type": "configuration/relationTypes/PersonToAgreement",
      "startObject": {
        "objectURI": "entities/01boiYH"
      "endObject": {
        "objectURI": "entities/01bpkU9"
      "uri": "relations/01bp0fN",
      "type": "configuration/relationTypes/PersonToHousehold",
      "startObject": {
        "objectURI": "entities/01bpxGv"
      "endObject": {
        "objectURI": "entities/01bp87p"
      "uri": "relations/01boOJ3",
      "type": "configuration/relationTypes/PersonToAgreement",
      "startObject": {
        "objectURI": "entities/01boiYH"
      "endObject": {
        "objectURI": "entities/01bpokP"
      "uri": "relations/01bowP7",
      "type": "configuration/relationTypes/PersonToAgreement",
      "startObject": {
        "objectURI": "entities/01bpxGv"
      "endObject": {
        "objectURI": "entities/01bpt0f"
      "uri": "relations/01boFmX",
      "type": "configuration/relationTypes/PersonToAgreement",
      "startObject": {
        "objectURI": "entities/01boiYH"
      "endObject": {
        "objectURI": "entities/01bpgDt"
      "uri": "relations/01bofM5",
      "type": "configuration/relationTypes/PersonToHousehold",
      "startObject": {
        "objectURI": "entities/01boiYH"
      "endObject": {
        "objectURI": "entities/01bpCO5"

Search entities by URIs

Searches entities by URIs and returns their agreement and household details. In the URI parameter, specify a list of Entity URIs, separated by a comma.


POST /entities/_searchConnections?uris=entities/01bomoX
        "outRelations": [
                "uri": "configuration/relationTypes/PersonToAgreement"
        "outRelations": [
                "uri": "configuration/relationTypes/PersonToHousehold"


  "entities": [
      "uri": "entities/01bpKub",
      "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Household",
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      "createdTime": 1644904339566,
      "updatedBy": "",
      "updatedTime": 1644904339566,
      "attributes": {
        "Caption": [
            "value": "Household4",
      "isFavorite": false,
      "crosswalks": [
          "type": "configuration/sources/Reltio",
          "value": "01bpKub",
      "analyticsAttributes": {},
      "label": "Household4",
      "secondaryLabel": ""
      "uri": "entities/01bomoX",
      "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Person",
      "attributes": {
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             "value": "Lofton",
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            "value": "Kira",
      "isFavorite": false,
      "crosswalks": [
          "type": "configuration/sources/Reltio",
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      "analyticsAttributes": {},
      "label": "Kira Lofton,",
      "secondaryLabel": ""
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      "analyticsAttributes": {},
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      "uri": "entities/01bpGeL",
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      "crosswalks": [
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