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Resolve attribute or tenant lookups

Learn about the attribute level property resolveLookupCode.

Set lookup values at the tenant or attribute level

You can resolve lookup codes at the attribute or tenant level using resolveLookupCode parameter. To enable this parameter, set it to true.

At the attribute level, you can apply the resolveLookupCode parameter to attributes that are linked to Reference Data Management (RDM) lookups. The attribute-level resolveLookupCode value overrides the current tenant-level parameters for that attribute. Set resolveLookUpCode to true to apply it to specific attributes.

The tenant level value is considered when the value for resolveLookUpCode property isn’t defined for an attribute.

If resolveLookupCode is set to false, lookupRawValue is the default.

Update configured lookup values

Lookup data is stored in the tenant primary database, and these values will not automatically update. When you change any of the existing configured lookup values using resolveLookupCode, you must reload the data or update the entity to get updated values. For more information, see topic Load entities into a tenant.

Enable the resolveLookupCode parameter

To enable resolveLookupCode, set it to true. The following is an example for configuring the resolveLookupCode parameter.

{ "uri": "configuration/entityTypes/HCO/attributes/Country", "name": "Country", "label": "Country", "description": "Country", "type": "String", "hidden": false, "important": false, "system": false, "searchable": true, "skipInDataAccess": false, "lookupCode": "rdm/lookupTypes/Country", "dependentLookupAttributes": [ "configuration/entityTypes/HCO/attributes/State" ], "resolveLookupCode": true }

resolveLookupCode example

If resolveLookupCode property is enabled (true). then API responses won't include lookupRawValue for attribute values.


Lookup data is stored in the tenant primary database and these values will not automatically update. You must reload the data or update the entity to get the updated values.

"Country": [ { "type": "configuration/entityTypes/HCO/attributes/Country", "ov": true, "value": "United Kingdom", "lookupCode": "GB", "uri": "entities/16TUbnyv/attributes/Country/25Y7U40yl" } ]


For attributes where the resolveLookupCode parameter is disabled (false), you will see the lookupRawValue parameter.

"Country": [ { "type": "configuration/entityTypes/HCO/attributes/Country", "ov": true, "value": "United Kingdom", "lookupCode": "GB", "lookupRawValue": "GB", "uri": "entities/16TUbnyv/attributes/Country/25Y7U40yl" } ]
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