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Load data from a RELTIO_JSON file

Learn how to use the Data Loader API and RELTIO_JSON files to load data.

A RELTIO_JSON file is a file type used to load data with the Data Loader. When loading data from a RELTIO_JSON file:
  • The file must be in JSON format. The body must contain data in JSON arrays.

  • Each file loaded must not exceed 10GB, although there is no limit on the total size of a loading job. If your data exceeds 10GB, split it across multiple files.

  • The loadType values that the Data Loader allows to be loaded with a RELTIO_JSON file are ENTITIES, RELATIONS, and INTERACTIONS.

  • This type of data loading job doesn't require you to define the mappingDetails parameter, as it doesn't use this functionality.

Unlike a typical JSON file, the RELTIO_JSON file contains information needed for the data upload, without requiring additional table transformations.
To load data from a RELTIO_JSON file:
  1. Create a new project.
    Use the following endpoint:POST {{dataloader_uri}}/dataloader/api/{{tenantId}}/project { "environment": "361", "tenantId": "myTenantIdValue", "name": "My user friendly name of the Project Details", "loadType": "ENTITIES", "checkForUpdates": false }

    For more information, see our Developer Portal.

  2. Set the file type for the storageDetails parameter.
    Use the following endpoint:PUT {{dataloader_uri}}/dataloader/api/{{tenantId}}/project/data/source/{{storageId}} { "fileType": "RELTIO_JSON" }

    For more information, see our Developer Portal.

  3. Update the storageDetails parameter.
    Use the following endpoint:PUT {{dataloader_uri}}/dataloader/api/{{tenantId}}/project/{{projectId}} { "storageDetails": { "storageId": "{{storageId}}" } }

    For more information, see our Developer Portal.

  4. Start the loading job.
    Use the following endpoint:POST {{dataloader_uri}}/dataloader/api/{{tenantId}}/project/{{projectId}}/jobs/run
    Body{ "name": "My Job Details" }
    Response{ ... "udl": true, "id": "16d05069-fa73-4d24-a672-d40e81a5a01x", ... "jobStatus": "SCHEDULED", "dataProcessingJobId": "866943b0-fa73-42b7-b4bb-bb519e6c034x", ... "projectDetails": { ... "id": "8a68c8a2-fa73-4279-8ffc-42809c39202x", ... "storageDetails": { ... "storageId": "d6b3fdef-fa73-42d4-ad52-6a21f2ebd60x", ... "fileType": "RELTIO_JSON" } } }

    For more information, see our Developer Portal.

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