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Microsoft Azure Service Bus Provider

You can write an application on Azure and subscribe to an Azure Service Bus to receive Reltio events.

Using Azure as your cloud provider, you can receive all streaming events using the Azure Service bus so that you can develop your applications in a single technology stack. The Azure Service Bus supports Queues for point-to-point communication and Topics for publish or subscribe scenarios.

This feature provides the following advantages:

  • Enables you to create a queue in the Azure Service Bus to which events are set.
  • Enables you to provide authentication details for Reltio to use to connect to the queue.
  • Enables you to write an application on Azure, subscribing to an Azure Service Bus to receive Reltio events.
  • Enables you to secure your data at all stages of delivery (in transit and ensuring only authorized applications can connect to the service bus to receive messages).
  • Your streaming queue to the Azure Service Bus is configurable per tenant physical configuration as another messaging destination.
  • Enables the queue dashboard in your console to report on relevant Azure Service Bus-related metrics.
  • Enables you to define the provider into a destination such as azure://MySharedAccessKey:VFXO%2FZFPwkjK0Ti1VfYyPfIp75uuq84THTlUWDRnumI%3D@my-namespace and specify a name of the queue, such as <namespace>:{name}.

Microsoft Azure Service Bus Provider Parameters

The Microsoft Azure Service Bus Provider Parameters table explains various parameters for Service Bus Provider:

Table 1. Microsoft Azure Service Bus Provider Parameters
hostYesThe name of the Azure Service Bus name space in which queues/topics are created or required in which to be created.my-namespace
usernameYesThe Azure Service Bus Shared Access (SAS) authorization policy rule name. This authorization rule must have Manage rights at the namespace level to provision and send messages.

Don't use the default RootManageSharedAccessKey authorization rule name. You must create another rule name with the required rights.

passwordYesThe Azure Service Bus authorization policy rule Primary or Secondary Key.

Microsoft Azure Service Bus Naming Restrictions

Name Spaces

The value must be between six and 50 characters long. The name space can contain only letters, numbers, and hyphens. The name space must start with a letter, and it must end with a letter or number. Name space names are case-insensitive.

Topics or Queues

Queue names can contain letters, numbers, periods (.), hyphens (-), underscores (_), and slashes (/), up to 260 characters. They must start and end with a letter or number. Queue names are also case-insensitive.

Adding New Providers at Run Time

A limited implementation of re-loading the dynamic configuration is supported for environment configuration. Currently, this includes the detection of new provider configurations without the need to restart the API server. In order to avoid loss of messages, it is important that a new provider be configured first in the appropriate environments using the messaging configuration file described in this topic. Only after this configuration has been updated must the Tenant's configuration be updated to reference the new provider.

For more information, see Events API.