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Consistency of data retrieval in Reltio APIs

Learn about data retrieval consistency in Reltio APIs, including key endpoints, use cases, and the distinction between consistent and eventually consistent responses.

The Reltio platform is recognized for its API-first architecture, offering a fast and reliable means of system-to-system communication and data retrieval. The platform primarily manages three core data objects: entities, relationships, and interactions. You commonly use the GET method to retrieve data associated with these objects from Reltio databases. This document outlines frequently used data retrieval requests, along with relevant use cases, indicating whether each endpoint delivers a consistent or eventually consistent user experience.

Consistent and Eventually Consistent API responses

A consistent API ensures that all read requests immediately reflect the most recent data updates. This means that when data is modified (for example, an entity is updated), any subsequent read operation, as in a GET request, returns the updated data instantly.

In an eventual consistency model, data changes are not immediately visible across the system. Instead, updates propagate over time, and eventually, all nodes or systems will reflect the most up-to-date data.

In the sections that follow we list the most commonly used endpoints per these 2 groupings.

Note: In the examples, {{tenantURL}} = /services/reltio/api/{tenantId} and the added spacing is for readability.

Consistent API endpoints


Get entity by entity ID or URI

Get entity details back as response with all or a few attributes

GET {{tenantURL}}/entities/1BUjHPHI POST {{tenantURL}}/entities/_byUris

Get entity by crosswalk

Get entity details back as response by using crosswalk type and ID

GET {{tenantURL}}/entities/_byCrosswalk/129207-1?type=BvD

where type=BvD specifies a crosswalk for Reltio Enrichment with Moody's Orbis.

Get interaction by ID

Get back details of interaction by ID

GET {{tenantURL}}/interactions/Reltio+65058863822

Search relation by id or crosswalk

Get back details of relation by ID

GET {{tenantURL}}/relations/r1

GET {{tenantURL}}/relations/_byCrosswalk/{crosswalkValue}

Search through graph

Tree request returns the tree (built on specified graph type relations). Hops returns collections of traversed entities and relations for selected depth

GET {{tenantURL}}/{entity object URI}/_tree

GET {{tenantURL}}/entities/QpaL088/_hops

Connection Search

Get connections for a specific entity ID

POST {{tenantURL}}/entities/QpaL088/_connections

Eventually Consistent API endpoints


Advanced Filtered Search

Apply complex filtering logic to get list of specific entities

GET {{tenantURL}}/entities?filter=((equals(type,'configuration/entityTypes/Contact') and contains(attributes.Email.Email , '*reltio*'))) & max=200

Fuzzy Search

Find the right set of records when there is typographical error or minor spelling mistake or you're not sure about the exact search term

GET {{tenantURL}}/entities?filter=((equals(type,'configuration/entityTypes/Contact') and fuzzy(attributes.LastName,'Smit'))) & max=200

Faceted Search

Get a distinct list of values with numbers (primarily used in Reltio Hub UI)

GET {{tenantURL}}/entities/_facets?facet=roles,type&filter=(equals(type,'configuration/entityTypes/Organization'))

Type Ahead Search

Primarily used for global search in Reltio Hub UI

GET {{tenantURL}}/entities/_typeAheadSearch

Advanced Interactions Search (other than ID based search)

Get interactions details based on interaction id, attribute, type or member

GET {{tenantURL}}}/interactions?filter=equals(members.Individual.id,05P3EV6)

Note: Interaction search by ID is consistent.

Relations Search (advanced - other than ID based search)

Search for relationships by its start and/or end objects, attribute values, tags, or type

GET {{tenantURL}}/relations?filter=(equals(startObject,'entities/1BUjHPHI'))&max=2