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You can use the Dashboard page to track your recipes, jobs, tasks across projects.

The Dashboard page provides an interactive dashboard with filters to drill down on:

  • Recipe job execution and tasks consumption
  • Recipe details table
  • Connection details

Recipe Summary

The Dashboard tab on the Dashboard page gives you a quick snapshot or summary of all your projects and recipes in terms of jobs and tasks. You can specify the period, for example, the last seven days, the project, and/or the recipe for which you would like to view the details.

The Dashboard displays a cumulative summary of the recipes, jobs, and tasks executed in the specified period. You can hover over a date to see the details.

Recipe Details - Jobs and Tasks

You can drill down into each of the recipes to view its job or task details.

For each recipe, the Successful jobs, Failed jobs, or, Tasks count links take you to the Edit recipe page. From the Edit recipe page, you can choose to view the details of any job, edit the recipe details, check the connections and modify the settings, if required.

You can click a Job ID to view its recipe details.

Connection Details

The Connections panel on the Dashboard page displays the count of active connections through your applications. It also lists the changes in the last seven days.

You can either disconnect or delete the connections associated with each of the listed accounts.