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Reltio NPI HCP Attributes

Learn about obtaining healthcare professionals master data.

Reltio NPI HCP attributes help in obtaining healthcare professionals master data by mapping the data already available in the NPI data tenant with the HCP headers specified in the NPI source file and then transforming it.

Table 1. Reltio NPI HCP Attributes
Attribute Name Attribute Type Sub-Attribute Name Data Type Description
FirstName Simple String First Name
LastName Simple String Last Name
MiddleName Simple String Middle Name
AlternateName Nested FirstName String Alternate First Name
AlternateName Nested MiddleName String Alternate Middle Name
AlternateName Nested LastName String Alternate Last Name
AlternateName Nested Prefix String

Alternate Prefix added before the name

For example - Mr., Ms., Dr.

AlternateName Nested Suffix String Alternate Suffix Name
AlternateName Nested Credential String Credentials of healthcare professionals
AlternateName Nested NameTypeCode String

Alternate Name Type Code for each Name Type Description

For example - 1, 2, and 3 for Former, Professional, and Other respectively.

AlternateName Nested NameTypeDescription String

Alternate Name Type Description for each Name Type Code

For example - Former, Professional, and Other for 1, 2, and 3 respectively.

Addresses Nested Address Type String

Type of address

For example - Email, Business, Fax

Addresses Nested AddressLine1 String Address line 1
Addresses Nested AddressLine2 String Address line 2
Addresses Nested City String City
Addresses Nested StateProvince String State province
Addresses Nested Country String Country i.e. United States
Addresses Nested Zip5 String If Length=5, zip5= All 5 digits
Addresses Nested Zip4 String

If Length=9, zip5= First 5 digits & zip4=Last 4 digits

Phone Nested Type String

Type of Phone number

For example - Business, Fax

Phone Nested Number String Phone number
Phone Nested Extension String Extension, if any
Phone Nested Rank Int Rank used to assign priority to a Phone number
Phone Nested CountryCode String Two digit code for a Country
Phone Nested AreaCode String Area Code
Phone Nested LocalNumber String Number without Area Code
Phone Nested ValidationStatus String Validation Status denoting whether the number is valid or not
Phone Nested LineType String

Line Type


Phone Nested FormatMask String

Format in which the number is saved

For example - (nnn) nnn-nnnn

Phone Nested DigitCount Int Number of digits
Phone Nested GeoArea String Geological area name
Phone Nested GeoCountry String Geological country name
WebsiteURL Simple URL Website URL
Gender Simple String Gender
Credentials Simple String

Credentials of HCP

For example – MD

Solo Simple Boolean Working as Solo or not
License Nested Number String

State License INTEGER

A unique license INTEGER is listed for each license the physician holds. There is no standard format syntax.

Format examples - 18986, 4301079019, BX1464089

There is also no limit to the INTEGER of licenses a physician can hold in a state.

For example - A physician can have an inactive resident license plus unlimited active licenses.

Residents can have as many as four licenses since some states issue licenses every year.

License Nested State String State License State. Two character field. USPS standard abbreviations.
License Nested DQScore String

For more information, see related links at the bottom of the page.

Taxonomy Nested Taxonomy String

Taxonomy related to HCP

For example - Obstetrics & Gynecology

Taxonomy Nested Type String

Type of Taxonomy

For example - Primary

Taxonomy Nested StateCode String State Code of Taxonomy
Taxonomy Nested ProviderType String Taxonomy Provider Type
Taxonomy Nested Classification String Classification of Taxonomy
Taxonomy Nested Specialization String Specialization of Taxonomy
Prefix Simple String

Prefix added before the name

For example - Mr, Ms, Dr.

SuffixName Simple String Generation Suffix
Identifiers Nested Type String Identifier Type
Identifiers Nested ID String Identifier ID
Identifiers Nested State String Identifier State
Identifiers Nested Issuer String Identifier Issuer
Identifiers Nested DeactivationReasonCode String Identifier Deactivation Reason Code
Identifiers Nested DeactivationDate Date Identifier Deactivation Date
Identifiers Nested ReactivationDate Date Identifier Reactivation Date
Identifiers Nested CreateDate Date Identifier Create Date
Identifiers Nested LastupdateDate Date Identifier Last Update Date