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Reltio DEA HCP Attributes

Learn about the DEA HCP attributes.

Reltio DEA HCP attributes help in obtaining healthcare professionals master data by mapping the data already available in the Reltio Enrichment with DEA with the HCP columns specified in the DEA source file and then transforming it.

Table 1. Reltio DEA HCP Attributes
Attribute NameAttribute TypeSub-Attribute NameData TypeDescription
FirstNameSimple StringFirst Name
LastNameSimple StringLast Name
AdditionalCompanyInfoSimpleStringAdditional Company Information
DEABusinessActivitySimpleStringDEA Business Activity
DEABusinessActivityPlusSubCodeSimpleStringDEA Business Activity SubCode
BusinessActivityDescriptionSimpleStringDEA Business Activity Description

Payment Indicator

Paid - P

Exempt - E

IdentifiersNestedTypeStringIdentifier Type
IdentifiersNestedIDStringIdentifier ID
AddressesNestedAddressLine1StringAddress Line 1
AddressesNestedAddressLine2StringAddress Line 2
AddressesNestedStateProvinceStringState Province
AddressesNestedZip5StringZip 5
AddressesNestedZip4StringZip 4
AddressesNestedDEANumberStringDEA Registration Number