Import relation API
This request copies a relation from a DT to a CT.
POST {DTSSURL}/relations/_importRelation?dataRelationUri={dataRelationUri}
As an example, consider that in the Reltio UI, a contact in the customer tenant does not have any organizations associated with it. However, the same record in the data tenant has an organization associated with this contact. In this scenario, you can issue a request that will copy this relationship from the data tenant to the customer tenant, but first you must get the URI of the relationship between those two entities in the data tenant.
You can do this by using the Get Relations by Object URIs request. You must provide the IDs of the records at each end of the relation in the body of the request.
"objectUris": [
The response to the request gives details of the relationships between the two records. The relationship type is “affiliated with” and the ID of the relationship becomes available.
You can now use this relationship ID in the Copy Relationship from DT to CT API request. The customer tenant ID and data ID are specified in the header. The response when successful gives the IDs of the relationship and the customer tenants.
In the customer tenant, refresh the search page to find that the contact is associated with the same organization as it is in the data tenant, as expected.