Manual merge API
You can use the Manual Merge API request to force a merge between a DT record and a CT record.
POST {DTSSURL}/entities/_merge?dataEntityUri=[dtUri]&customerEntityUri=[ctUri]
The request uses the DTSS URL and the parameters as Data entity URI, which is a unique ID of the data entity, and customer entity URI, which is a unique idea of the customer entity. The header must specify the content type OAuth token and the customer and data tenant IDs.
Entity Subscription
After merging, the merged records are described as being subscribed. There are two ways that a subscription can be created - real-time and pull. Real time uses the DT queue process changes in the DT in real time and applies them as needed to the CT. Pull uses a batch update typically used after a large date alone, or if you expect that there have been a lot of changes in a data tenant and you need to refresh the data from the DT. For example, after a periodic update from a third party data provider. Both the real-time and batch modes are enabled by default.