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2023.2 weekly release notes

Review what’s new in the Reltio platform

Find out what's new and notable each week in the Reltio Connected Data Platform 2023.2. Get a birds-eye view of new features, enhancements, and bug fixes here, then follow topic links to dive into the detail.

2023.2.14.0 weekly release notes | 09-Oct-2023

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2023.x weekly releases.

Important: The 2023.2.14 release date is 17-Oct-2023.
Survey the new features, enhancements, and bug fixes introduced in the Reltio Connected Data Platform each week, then follow topic links to dig into the detail:
Relations API
Responses from the Relations GET /relations/_byCrosswalk and GET /relations/{id} endpoints may have contained different values for surrogate crosswalks for the same relationship. The GET /relations/_byCrosswalk endpoint response still contained the information from when the relation was created, so if the start and end entity used a surrogate crosswalk when the relation was created, the response didn't contain any subsequent crosswalk updates. Both endpoints now use the latest crosswalk information, so they return the same values in their responses. For more information on these API endpoints, see the topics Get by crosswalk connection and Get Relationship.
If an entity has a large number of relationships, the Relationship perspective did not display the relationships details. We now display this data, but to optimize system performance, we disable the sort and filter functions. For more information, see topic Relationships Perspective .

2023.2.13.0 DocsUpdate 2 weekly release notes | 02-Oct-2023

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2023.2.13.0 DocsUpdate 2 weekly release.

Survey the new features, enhancements, and bug fixes introduced in the Reltio Connected Data Platform each week, then follow topic links to dig into the detail:
Workflow modeler global role
We previously announced a new global ROLE_WORKFLOW_ADMIN role. Since this name was commonly used for customer-created roles, we renamed our new global role ROLE_WORKFLOW_MANAGER. The functionality for this global role is as previously described. For more information, see topics Workflow modeler and 2023.2.1.0 weekly release notes | 03-Jul-2023.
Data Loader
The Data Loader API previously could create a job even if it was missing mapping details, which resulted in a run-time error. We now validate jobs to ensure they contain the necessary details and display a message identifying any issues you need to resolve before the Data Loader API creates the job. For more information, see topic 2023.2.1.0 weekly release notes | 03-Jul-2023.

2023.2.13.0 weekly release notes | 25-Sep-2023

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2023.2.13.0 weekly release.

Survey the new features, enhancements, and bug fixes introduced in the Reltio Connected Data Platform each week, then follow topic links to dig into the detail.

Explore - Get ready to transform your data

Check out these new features and enhancements in this weekly release to help you plan your master data management voyage.

Attribute APIs
In the Hub Sources perspective, if you added an attribute value with the same name as an existing attribute value that was pinned, the Hub didn't pin the newly created attribute value. We changed the Hub behavior to match that of the Entities API, so now the Hub pins the additional attribute value in the Sources perspective. For more information, see topics Add Attributes in the Sources Perspective and Pin a value in the Sources perspective.
We reintroduced the automatic Cleanse operation for addresses in the Profile view. When you enter a new address in the Address input field and press the Tab key, the cleanser automatically verifies the Address input and either populates the relevant address fields below or displays an error message for incomplete or incorrect fields. If you already configured this feature for the classic UI, you don't need to configure it again for the new UI. If you didn't, you must configure it to enable the feature. For more information, see topic Location Cleanse.

Model - Define your data model

Check out these new features and enhancements in this weekly release to help you define model, match, merge, and cleanse your data.


We changed the cleanser to identify attributes using the full path rather than just the attribute name, so it correctly updates the intended attribute value. For more information, see topic Cleanse Entities.

Data Validation Functions
In Data Validation Function (DVF) for entity types, we added support for attributes in these groups:
  • System Attributes: start date, end date, tags and roles attributes

  • Crosswalk Attributes: source system name attribute

For more information, see ​topic Define Validation Function.

2023.2.12.0 weekly release notes | 18-Sep-2023

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2023.2 weekly releases.

Say, what's going on here?!

Our Release Notes look a little thin this week, huh?
Sure, we're still enhancing functionality and fixing issues to keep the system running smoothly, but our Product, Engineering, and Documentation teams have been busier than Santa's elves wrapping up new features for the upcoming 2023.3 release!
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2023.2.11.0 weekly release notes | 11-Sep-2023

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2023.2 weekly releases.

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Explore - Get ready to transform your data

Check out these new features and enhancements in this weekly release to help you plan your master data management voyage.

In the Workflow tab in the Profile view, you can now add a new line in the Comments field by pressing the Shift and Enter keys. After entering your comments, press the Enter key to submit the comment. For more information, see topics Workflow tab and Add a Workflow Task.

Integrate - Connect your data

Check out these new features and enhancements in this weekly release to help you import, enrich, and export your data.

Data Loader
You couldn't stop a scheduled Data Loader job that didn't have a processing ID. The Data Loader can now stop a scheduled job that has been stuck for 30 minutes and displays an error message. For more details, see topic Stop a Data Load Job.

2023.2.10.0 weekly release notes | 04-Sep-2023

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2023.2 weekly releases.

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Explore - Get ready to transform your data

Check out these new features and enhancements in this weekly release to help you plan your master data management voyage.

In the Activity log in the Hub, we changed the default time filter from Within 4 months to Within 3 months to improve it's performance. For more information, see topic Activity Log Perspective .
Workflow Modeler admin role
We added a new ROLE_WORKFLOW_ADMIN role to deploy/undeploy JAR files on a tenant and publish/remove process definitions. This role is separate from the ROLE_WORKFLOW role. In the upcoming 2023.3.0.0 release, we'll change the ROLE_WORKFLOW role to have read — but not create, update, execute, or delete — permissions for JAR files and process definitions. For more information, see topics Workflow modeler and 2023.2.1.0 weekly release notes | 03-Jul-2023

2023.2.9.0 weekly release notes | 28-Aug-2023

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2023.2 weekly releases.

Survey the new features, enhancements, and bug fixes introduced in the Reltio Connected Data Platform 2023.2 each week, then follow topic links to dig into the detail.

Explore - Get ready to transform your data

Check out these new features and enhancements in this weekly release to help you plan your master data management voyage.

Data Loader
If a scheduled Data Loader job got stuck in the pending status, you couldn't stop or resume it using either the Console Data Loader or the Tasks. We enhanced the Data Loader, so it is now able to resume or stop such jobs. For more information, see topics Work with jobs and job definitions and Resume Paused Task for Tenant.

2023.2.8.0 weekly release notes | 21-Aug-2023

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2023.2 weekly releases.

Survey the new features, enhancements, and bug fixes introduced in the Reltio Connected Data Platform 2023.2 each week, then follow topic links to dig into the detail.

Model - Define your data model

Check out these new features and enhancements in this weekly release to help you define model, match, merge, and cleanse your data.

Data Validation Functions
Previously, Data Validation Functions (DVFs) that use string functions, like equals or startsWith, did not evaluate empty values. With this update, string functions now handle empty values. For details, see topic Additional updates.
String cleanser
Profiles with extra spaces in AddressLine2 field are now cleansed to match the same address without spaces. For further information, see topic String Cleanser.

Engage - Interact with your data

Check out these new features and enhancements in this weekly release to help you configure your tenant and steward and govern your data.

Tasks API
We fixed a bug that prevented deduplicating attributes in the matchFieldURI field. For more information, see topic Remove Attribute Duplicates Task.

2023.2.7.0 weekly release notes | 14-Aug-2023

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2023.2 weekly releases.

Survey the new features, enhancements, and bug fixes introduced in the Reltio Connected Data Platform 2023.2 each week, then follow topic links to dig into the detail.

Explore - Get ready to transform your data

Check out these new features and enhancements in this weekly release to help you plan your master data management voyage.

We introduced a new parameter - reverseTranscodeLookups - to the Get Entity and Get Relationship. This parameter performs reverse transcoding of RDM attributes, which is the process of converting standardized lookup codes to their source value. For more information, see topics Get Entity and Get Relationship.

Model - Define your data model

Check out these new features and enhancements in this weekly release to help you define model, match, merge, and cleanse your data.
We added a United Kingdom expansion pack to our address cleanser to support unique UK address IDs.

2023.2.6.0 weekly release notes | 07-Aug-2023

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2023.x weekly releases.

Survey the new features, enhancements, and bug fixes introduced in the Reltio Connected Data Platform 2023.2 each week, then follow topic links to dig into the detail.

Explore - Get ready to transform your data

Check out these new features and enhancements in this weekly release to help you plan your master data management voyage.

  • The default value for some attributes was sometimes not automatically displayed in the Profile facet while creating a new entity. We fixed this issue, and now the correct default value is displayed.
  • In the Profile view, for non-admin users, relationship facets displayed entity details for the entity types that were not configured. We enhanced the entity type filtering process while retrieving data, so now you will see relevant entity details in the relationship facet.

Model - Define your data model

Check out these new features and enhancements in this weekly release to help you define model, match, merge, and cleanse your data.

  • There was an issue where although the original cleanse operation was happening as expected, the system did not reflect the subsequent changes and the re-cleanse operation was happening incorrectly. We have fixed this issue and now the system reflects the subsequent changes and the re-cleanse operation works correctly.

  • There was an issue where the address cleanser changes a non-US address to an US address in the system. We have fixed this issue and now the system uses the EnhancedCountryTool option to process the address without country.

2023.2.5.0 weekly release notes | 31-Jul-2023

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2023.2.5.0 weekly releases.

Survey the new features, enhancements, and bug fixes introduced in the Reltio Connected Data Platform 2023.2 each week, then follow topic links to dig into the detail.

Explore - Get ready to transform your data

Check out these new features and enhancements in this weekly release to help you plan your master data management voyage.

Data Loader
At times, a throttling exception error was occurring while creating a Data Loader job and the system was displaying the AWSSecurityTokenServiceException: Rate exceeded message. We have fixed this issue with a retry mechanism that will limit such issues.
We added the ability to pin or ignore sequence-generated attribute values in the Sources UI. For more information, see topic Sources Perspective.
Tenant Management
Running the Delete tenant data job to clean up your tenant data sometimes failed due to multiple Delete tenant data jobs running in parallel on the same tenant. We introduced a maintenance mode for a created Delete tenant data job, which when enabled prevents other Delete tenant data jobs from running at the same time on the tenant.

2023.2.4.0 weekly release notes | 24-Jul-2023

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2023.2 weekly releases.

Survey the new features, enhancements, and bug fixes introduced in the Reltio Connected Data Platform 2023.2 each week, then follow topic links to dig into the detail.

Explore - Get ready to transform your data

Check out these new features and enhancements in this weekly release to help you plan your master data management voyage.

In the Legend tab of the Sources view, an internal error sometimes occurred when you tried to unmerge entity profiles. We fixed the error in the unmerge operation, and now the profiles unmerge as expected. For more information, see topic Unmerge Sources.

Engage - Interact with your data

Check out these new features and enhancements in this weekly release to help you configure your tenant and steward and govern your data.

We enhanced the Workflow SDK kit used to customize Workflow tasks by adding two functions - setDueDate enables you to change the task due date and setPriority enables you to change the task priority. For more information, see topic Overview of Workflow Customizations

2023.2.3.0 weekly release notes | 17-Jul-2023

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2023.2 weekly releases.

Survey the new features, enhancements, and bug fixes introduced in the Reltio Connected Data Platform 2023.2 each week, then follow topic links to dig into the detail.

Explore - Get ready to transform your data

Check out these new features and enhancements in this weekly release to help you plan your master data management voyage.

Data Loader
  • There was an issue where the system was generating incorrect tokens that were used for inter-service communication, specifically with the Data Loader service. This method was generating tokens without considering all the roles and permissions that were assigned via groups, and it was causing access denied errors. We have fixed this issue to ensure that you can access the system based on your role and permissions, regardless of the type of assignment.
  • Previously, the Data Loader application failed to execute scheduled jobs and returned a job failure error instead. This was caused by the application's use of an invalid token. We fixed the Data loader's behavior, and scheduled jobs are now executed as expected. For more information, see topic Load data with Data Loader.
Relations API
The Crosswalk Connections (_byCrosswalkConnections) returned incorrect lookup values for attributes mapped to RDM. We have fixed this issue and now the API returns the correct lookup values for such attributes. For more information, see topic Get by crosswalk connection.
Reltio Platform
We’ve updated documentation to reflect proper date format. For more information, see topic Reltio attribute types.
User Management
Users with appropriate permissions saw an access denied error when trying to access the User Management page. We changed the access permissions for the ROLE_ADMIN_TENANT, so now if you're assigned that role, you can access that page. For more information, see topic User Management.


We enhanced the Advanced Search for profiles having RDM transcode errors. If the profile has RDM transcode errors only for hidden attributes, then the profile no longer shows up in the search results. For more information, see topic Advanced Search for Lookup Types.
Data Modeler

We enhanced the way entities attributes are viewed in the Entity types page and relationships are viewed in the Relationship types page by freezing the table header. This means when you scroll down the page, the column names remain visible. For more information, see topics Define entity types and attributes and Define relationships.

Integrate - Connect your data

Check out these new features and enhancements in this weekly release to help you import, enrich, and export your data.

D&B Connector
There was an issue where the system was failing during the processing of the path parameter. This was happening subsequent to the integration of an internal feature that involves the inclusion of a monitoring path. We have fixed this issue to ensure that the system processes the path parameter successfully.

2023.2.2.0 weekly release notes | 10-Jul-2023

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2023.2 weekly releases.

Survey the new features, enhancements, and bug fixes introduced in the Reltio Connected Data Platform 2023.2 each week, then follow topic links to dig into the detail.

Explore - Get ready to transform your data

Check out these new features and enhancements in this weekly release to help you plan your master data management voyage.

  • If you did not have Read permissions on an entity, you could still see the entity's name through the relationship view of another entity. We have tightened the permissions to ensure that you are not able to see references to entities for which you do not have read permissions.

  • In the Profile view, in the Relationship facet, we noticed that the rating buttons for entity relationships were only displayed in the new UI and not in the classic UI. We fixed the issue, and now these buttons can either be displayed or hidden in both UIs based on your UI configuration. For more information, see topic Export and Import of UI Configuration Files.

  • Enjoy the improved look and feel of the UI elements in your UI. We made minor updates to improve the readability by enhancing font size and aligning text better. In your Date/Time picker, select the date and time at one go, instead of selecting them separately. When we were on our improvement spree, we also touched up spacing around pagination information, improved checkbox highlights, centralized text, and reduced extra spaces.

  • In the Hierarchy facet in the Profile view, you couldn't view the hierarchy path details as the page was unresponsive. The facet couldn't display large amounts of data, and so it stopped responding. We added pagination in the facet to handle this issue and now, you can view details in the Hierarchy facet as expected.

  • Every time you did a global search in the new UI's Search page, the Search by OV only checkbox was automatically selected even if you didn't select this checkbox. We fixed this issue, and now this checkbox is working as expected. For more information, see topic Search by Operational Value Only.

  • We improved the functionality of the exact matching operator supported by Reltio's matching engine to consider all values of an entity's nested sub-attribute while evaluating a match rule. Earlier, this matching operator considered two records as a match only if they had at least one value in common with a nested sub-attribute. For more information, see topic Value concatenator cleanser.

  • While training a model, although the Date of Birth field for an entity was displayed in the entity's Profile view, it did not display for the entity in the Match IQ application. All data types except the string data type were ignored during the Prepare stage in Match IQ. We fixed this issue by adding support for all data types during the Prepare stage in Match IQ. For more information, see topics Editing the Name and Description of a Model Flow and Training the Model Flow.

Relations API
Tired of deleting relations for an entity one at at time? Wait no more. Use the deleteRelations API delete all associated relationships for an entity at one go or use the deleteByURIs API to delete multiple relationships by URIs. For more information, see topics Bulk Delete Relationships and Delete Entity Relations.
With partialOverride and updateAttributeUpdateDatesOnActualChanges options, when an API request was sent with update date and updates to some sub-nested attributes, the update date was incorrectly set for all sub-nested attributes. We have fixed this issue to ensure that only the sub-nested attributes that were modified are updated with the right update date.
Data Loader
There was an issue where the Data Loader job fails with an error status without a log file or the reason for the failure. This was happening because the system which runs job shuts down due to some interruptions when the load prepared file task is in progress. We have fixed this issue and now the system does not shut down until LoadPreparedFileTask is completed. If a job fails, the system creates error file that provides more details about failed jobs.

Integrate - Connect your data

Check out these new features and enhancements in this weekly release to help you import, enrich, and export your data.

Reltio Integration Hub (RIH)
Earlier, when null values were provided through Reltio APIs for address/reference attributes (in missing address cases), the null values were accepted without any issues. Due to a fix for another issue, the logic that was working earlier changed and started creating blank address/reference attributes for address/reference attributes passed with null values. We have rectified the undesired effect by tweaking the fix that was provided for the other issue. Now, the skipNullValues parameter (true by default) is added directly to the setup page. This ensures that null values are accepted without creating blank attributes.

2023.2.1.0 weekly release notes | 03-Jul-2023

Learn about the new features and enhancements introduced in the 2023.2 weekly releases.

Survey the new features, enhancements, and bug fixes introduced in the Reltio Connected Data Platform 2023.2 each week, then follow topic links to dig into the detail.

Explore - Get ready to transform your data

Check out these new features and enhancements in this weekly release to help you plan your master data management voyage.

Data Loader
When a Data Loader job was interrupted or failed, the count of records that were loaded, failed, or were determined to be empty did not always add up to the total number of records shown in the Job Status window. We have fixed this, and the Data Loader now considers unprocessed batches when calculating the number of loaded, failed, or empty records, so that the sum of these values align with the total number of records. For more information, see topic View Data Analysis Information about a Job.
Data Quality
In your Real-Time Data Quality (DQ) dashboard, when you checked the Fill rate over time or Uniqueness analysis over time graphs for a specific time period, a percentage of existing and missing profiles displayed if there was no data or data hadn't been uploaded yet, which was confusing. We have improved this by displaying No data available in the tooltip and info bar if there's no data and There are 0 profiles if no data has been uploaded yet. For more information, see topics Fill rate over time and Uniqueness analysis over time.
Reference Data Management (RDM)
In the Advanced search page, when you searched for profiles by operational value that had RDM transcoded errors, the search results also included those profiles that did not have operational values. We fixed this issue, and now the search results display only those profiles with transcoded errors that have the operational values.
In the Search page, you couldn't see the columns you added to search results before you navigated to another page. We updated the logic for parsing user preferences, especially when the search criteria contained special characters or symbols. Now, the columns you added to your search results are saved and displayed everytime you open the Search page. For more information, see topic Working with Search Results in Hub.

Model - Define your data model

Check out these new features and enhancements in this weekly release to help you define model, match, merge, and cleanse your data.

Now, map a reference attribute from your member entity attribute to the grouping entity attribute in the grouping attribute mapping step or the Derived attributes stage of creating a grouping type. Select a reference attribute as a Grouping attribute value source in the Group attribute field, where you could earlier only select simple and nested attributes as a source. For more information, see topic Create grouping type configurations.
Lambda LCAs
Good News! Your AWS Lambda LCAs no longer need to go through the LCA handler certification process. This means, quicker deployments of new and updated Lambda LCAs. You don't need to wait for the manual review of Lambda LCAs deployed in either yours or Reltio's AWS accounts. Reltio Platform continues to manage the duration of the LCAs through a configurable timeout. For more information, see topics LCA Handler Certification and LCA Configuration.