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RDM Service Configuration API

Overview of the RDM service configuration API

This API allows you get a list of tenants along with their configuration information. You can update the tenant configuration if required. In addition, you can create a new tenant or delete an existing one.

Tenant Configuration Description

{ "tenantId": "rdm_tenant_name", "label": "rdm_tenant_label", "caseInsensitiveTranscoding": false, "trackTranscodeErrors": false, "trackUnidentifiedLookups": false, "lookupTypes": [ { "uri": "rdm/lookupTypes/Gender", "label": "Gender", "description": "Description for Gender", "generator": "GenderUUIDGenerator", "enabled": true }, { "uri": "rdm/lookupTypes/Country", "label": "Country", "description": "Description for Country", "generator": "CountryIDGenerator", "enabled": true, "attributes": [ { "name": "Continent", "type": "String", "required": false, "visible": true }, { "name": "Population", "type": "Integer", "required": false, "visible": true } ] } ], "sources": [ { "uri": "rdm/sources/Reltio", "label": "Reltio", "abbreviation": "Reltio" }, { "uri": "rdm/sources/FB", "label": "Facebook", "abbreviation": "FB" } ] }
Property Description
tenantId Tenant name
caseInsensitiveTranscoding The property to control the case sensitivity of the values being transcoded. By default it is false. If values have changed to uppercase, then first execute the cleanupTranscoder task and then the populateTranscoder task to apply change.
lookupTypes List of lookup types present in this RDM tenant
sources List of Source Systems associated with this RDM tenant

Lookup Type Attributes

Below some details about lookup attributes:

  • Number of attributes is unlimited and controlled by RDM tenant administrator
  • Attributes can have one of the following types: Number, Boolean, Integer, Float, Time, Date, String
  • Flag visible allows to control which attributes should be visible on the MDM side
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