Unify and manage your data

Data Loader API

Learn about the Reltio Data Loader and its capabilities.

The Data Loader provides several endpoints to load data into your tenant. In this section we will provide use cases for the Data Loader endpoints.

Before you start using the Data Loader, check the upload requirements. For more information, see topic Data Loader API upload requirements.

If you prefer, you can load data with the Data Loader application in the Console. For more information, see topic Get started with Data Loader.

Similar to the Data Loader application in the Console, these endpoints enables you to:
  • Load your data from the most common locations and in the most common formats.

  • Visualize your data, define mappings, and perform the basic transformation before loading the data.

  • Define data load options, like using life-cycle assessment (LCA), or full or partial updates.

For more information about the Data Loader endpoints, see our Developer Portal.