Unify and manage your data

Entity History

This request is used to retrieve timestamps (UTC) reflecting when an entity was modified.


GET {TenantURL} /entities/{entity object URI}/_changes
Table 1. Parameters
Parameter Required Description
Headers Authorization Yes Information about authentication access token in format "Bearer <accessToken>" (see details in Authentication API).
Query max No Positive Integer value to identify maximum number of entities to return in a response. Can be used to organize pagination in combination with "offset" parameter. Default value is 50. max=10
offset No Positive Integer value to identify starting what element in a result set should be returned in a response. Can be used to organize pagination in combination with "limit" parameter. Default value is 0. offset=120
order No Order of sorting. Can be used in combination with "sort" parameter to have reverse order. Possible values:
  • asc: the results will be shown in ascending order
  • desc: the results will be shown in descending order
Default sorting in by entity desc.
filter No Enables entities filtering by a condition. Format for filter query parameter: filter=({Condition Type}[AND/OR {Condition Type}]*)

There are tree Condition Types:

  • equals(property, value): exact match condition ignoring case
  • lt(property, value): 'less than' condition
  • lte(property, value): 'less than or equals' condition
  • gt(property, value): 'greater than' condition
  • gte(property, value): 'greater than' or 'equals' condition
  • changes(attribute): match changes for a specific attributes

The 'equals' match condition is applicable for filtering users, who made changes, for history event type, and for timestamps. The 'lt', 'lte', 'gt', and 'gte' conditions are applicable only for timestamps. The 'changes' condition is applicable only for filtering events with certain attribute changes.

For more information see Filtering Entities

Filter historical events with changes of FirstName attributes, made by 'test.uset'

filter=changes(configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/FirstName) and equals(user, 'test.user')

Filter historical events with timestamp less than specified value.

filter=lt(timestamp, '1428309071535')

Filter all 'ENTITY_CHANGED' events.

filter=equals(type, 'ENTITY_CHANGED')

showAll No Specifies if the response should contain all historical events, despite any real changes on attributes. Filter is ignored if showAll is set to true. Default value is false. showAll=true
options No Comma-separated list of different options which affect JSON content in the response. Available options:
  • skipReferenceAttributesProcessing: disabled by default, defines if delta for reference attributes should be calculated or not. Adding this option may cause excluding of some changes in reference attributes from response, but reduce response time.
Note: These are methods you can use to reduce the response time for a request:
  • Use the skipReferenceAttributesProcessing option to significantly reduce response time, even when there are no reference attributes.
  • If there is no changes filter, use showAll=true to also reduce response time.
Note: There is a hard limit of 1000 most recent events retrieved from the database. Pagination won't work beyond this limit. Major events like entity creation or split/merge are included in this list even if they would be excluded otherwise.
Note: Before bringing the data into Reltio, the API converts the source system data to canonical values. When you retrieve the history of the entity, the history view does not transcode anything, and displays the saved record. The saved record holds only canonical values. When you retrieve the current state of the entity, the API executes the transcode again. So, if the localization for a locale is set to a RDM tenant, and the API request has the Accept-Language header, then the API returns the localized transcoded lookup value.


JSON array with timestamps when an entity was modified.


GET {TenantURL}/entities/11/_changes?filter= changes(configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/FirstName) Headers: Authorization: Bearer 204938ca-2cf7-44b0-b11a-1b4c59984512


GET {TenantURL}/entities/11/_changes?order=asc Headers: Authorization: Bearer 204938ca-2cf7-44b0-b11a-1b4c59984512 [{ "timestamp": 1428308955399, "user": "test.user", "type": "ENTITY_CREATED" }, { "timestamp": 1428309071535, "user": "test.user", "type": "ENTITY_CHANGED" }]
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