RIA (Reltio Intelligent Assistant) at a glance
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Take it from the top with RIA (Reltio Intelligent Assistant). Get the overview here, then see the sub topics in this section to drill down to the details.
What is RIA?
RIA is an AI-powered conversational interface that helps users with Reltio-related queries and data discovery, enabling seamless and efficient interaction with the Reltio Data Cloud platform.
Who is RIA for?
This content is curated for these Reltio user roles defined in topic About roles:
Business User
Data Product Owner
Data Steward
Reltio Configurator
Solution Architect
System Administrator
Why would I use RIA?
- Quickly search for profiles and retrieve relevant data.
- Create data visualizations directly from existing data.
- Ask questions and get instant answers about Reltio's features and configurations.
When would I use RIA?
Use RIA whenever you need a quick and efficient way to interact with the Reltio Data Cloud through conversational prompts.
Where do I find RIA?
Reltio Multidomain MDM
Reltio Customer 360
How do I access RIA?
- In the Hub, by selecting the icon
, on the top-right corner of the header.
- Here, in the
Documentation Portal, by selecting the icon
, on the bottom-right of the page.