Unify and manage your data

Recreate GBQ tables and views in your BigQuery dataset

Learn how to recreate tables and views in the dataset you created.

After configuring the GBQ connector, the data schema changes.

To recreate tables and views:
  • Send the following request:
    POST http://{{dphUrl}}/api/tenants/{{ternantId}}/adapters/bigquery/actions/recreate_objects
    {"types": ["tables", "views"]}
    If you only need to recreate tables, remove views from the request body. If you only need to recreate views, remove tables from the request body.
After you recreate the tables and view, validate if the GBQ tables and views recreation command is successfully performed. You can verify if the tables and views are successfully recreated by sending the following request:
GET {{dphUrl}}/api/tenants/{{tenantId}}/adapters/bigquery/actions?actionType=recreate_objects
If the recreation is successful, you see a SUCCESS status in the response.
Note: If you're using the legacy column-based schema, you need to recreate the tables and views and re-sync data. You don't need to do this step if you're using the JSON schema.