Unify and manage your data

Get to know Reltio in Documentation Portal

Learn how to get technical assistance from the Reltio Documentation Portal

Let's get you to what you want to know!

This Reltio Documentation Portal is designed to get you to the content you need along your chosen path.
Information architecture
Each major section (Reltio, Products, Developer resources, Roles, Applications, Objectives) contain standard topics in a uniform structure to enable you to predict the location and type of content as you navigate the portal:
  • About section: This topic provides an overview of the major section, helping you to quickly determine whether it has information you're looking for.

  • At a glance : This topic provides a 1-page summary of a section, with a high-level who, what, when, where, and why description. It contains the following sub topics in this order:
    • Architecture: This topic provides system architecture or process flow overviews.
    • Set up: This section provides information on enabling a feature for use or configuring its behavior.
    • Navigation: This topic provides a tour of a feature's User Interface, describing where to access it, what key components it contains, and how to use them. This information is typically generic usage rather than task-specific information. You'll find most of this type of topic in the Applications section.
    • Operation: This topic provides instructions on how to perform your data unification and management tasks in Reltio. It focuses on task-specific information and refers to generic usage information in Navigation topics. You'll find most of this type of topic in the Operations section.
    • Reference: This topic provides detailed information to build on usage or task topics, such as syntax, configuration files, data models, datasets, and mapping tables.
    • Resources: This topic provides links to additional resources that help you make the most of a feature, such as how-to videos, tutorials, and demos.

If a standard topic isn't applicable for a given feature, we omit it from the section. If multiple levels of standard topics are applicable, we nest them.

We continuously improve the quality of content, so it's more useful once you find it. Give us feedback on content topics to let us know what works well—and what could work better—for you.

Visual cues provide clear guidance.
  • Color-coded bars at the top of Home and Landing page tile distinguish Platform resources (yellow) from navigation paths blue.

  • Topic links in Home and Landing page tiles to enable advanced users to more quickly navigate to familiar content.

  • Personalization icons, so you can focus on the content that's relevant to what you're doing in Reltio Data Cloud:

    ProductsRolesVelocity Packs
    • Reltio Entity Resolution
    • Reltio Multidomain MDM
    • Reltio Customer 360
    • Business User
    • Data Product Owner
    • Data Steward
    • Developer
    • Reltio Configurator
    • Solution Architect
    • System Administrator
    • B2B
    • B2C
    • Financial Services
    • Healthcare
    • Insurance
    • Life Sciences
    • Product
    • Supplier
Important: We're confident that the new structure and fully functioning Search will enable you to locate the content you need. For now, we're continuing to redirect 1,000s of bookmarks from the original Help Portal to the Documentation Portal v1 to this new v2 portal. If the volume of redirects impacts portal performance, we'll remove some. We encourage you to set new bookmarks for new portal topics you'd like to revisit. You may find it helpful to save topics from a Search results page. For details, see topic Search content.