Searching and Remediating Warnings
As a Data Steward you can log in to Hub to search and remediate the warnings.
- Search for warnings
- Remediate warnings
Search for Warnings
You can search for warnings in the following two ways:
- From DASHBOARD - On the DASHBOARD, the data validation warnings
are displayed in the DQ Validation section. Hover the mouse over each validation to see the number of entities associated with the warnings. Click a particular validation to go to the SEARCH view and resolve the warnings in one of the following ways:
- Resolve the exceptions in bulk.
- Export the warnings to resolve them and reload the data from the Data Modeler application in Console.
- From ADVANCED SEARCH - In the Attribute Validation section of
Advanced Search, you can filter out the entities
based on the data validation exceptions. The search result displays the list of entities meeting the filter criteria and you can view and resolve the warnings in one of the following ways:
- Resolve the exceptions in bulk.
- Export the warnings to resolve them and reload the data from the Data Modeler application in Console.
Remediate Warnings
You can remediate the warnings in the following two ways:
- From PROFILE view - In the PROFILE view, the data validation warnings associated with the particular entity type are displayed in the Data Validation Warning(s) section. You can edit the entity to update the missing information and save the changes. After providing the missing information and saving the changes, the data validation warnings are resolved.
- From SEARCH view - Under the SEARCH view you can view and resolve the warnings in
one of the following ways:
- Resolve the exceptions in bulk.
- Export the warnings to resolve them and reload the data from the Data Modeler application in Console.
The search result displays the list of entities meeting the filter criteria and you can view and resolve the warnings in one of the following ways:- Resolve the exceptions in bulk.
- Export the warnings to resolve them and reload the data from the Data Loader application in Console.