Accelerate the Value of Data

Create Reltio object type staging tables in Snowflake

Learn how to create a staging table for each Reltio object type in Snowflake.

Before you create Reltio object type staging tables, you must have created a database schema. For more information, see topic Create a Snowflake schema.

All data in Snowflake is stored in database tables. Create a staging table for each Reltio object type: entities, relationships, interactions, matches, merges, and links.If you're migrating from Reltio Connected Data for Snowflake to the Reltio Data Pipeline for Snowflake, you might want to use legacy-compatible table formats for Entity types Otherwise, we recommend you use standard tables.

To create Reltio object type staging tables in your Snowflake environment:
  1. In the Snowflake application worksheet area, create a new SQL worksheet.
  2. In the SQL worksheet, run these commands to create a staging table for each Reltio object type. Run each command individually and then check the result in step 3 before creating a staging table for the next object type:
    Entities staging table Standard
    CREATE TABLE "<database_name>"."<schema_name>"."entities"
    ("uri"VARCHAR,"version"NUMBER,"timestamp"NUMBER (13,0 ), "type" VARCHAR, "attributes" VARIANT, "crosswalks" VARIANT, "analyticsAttributes" VARIANT, "createdBy" VARCHAR, "createdTime" NUMBER, "updatedBy" VARCHAR, "updatedTime" NUMBER, "commitTime" NUMBER, "startDate" NUMBER, "endDate" NUMBER, "active" BOOLEAN, "tags" VARIANT)CLUSTER BY ("type","active" );
    Legacy (optional)
    CREATE TABLE "<database_name>"."<schema_name>"."entity_<entityType>_ov"
    ("uri" VARCHAR, "timestamp" NUMBER(13,0), "deleted" BOOLEAN, "linked" BOOLEAN, "version" NUMBER, "json" VARIANT, "endDate" NUMBER);
    Relations staging table
    CREATE TABLE "<database_name>"."<schema_name>"."relations"
    ("uri" VARCHAR, "version" NUMBER, "timestamp" NUMBER(13,0), "type" VARCHAR, "attributes" VARIANT, "crosswalks" VARIANT, "startObject" VARIANT, "endObject" VARIANT, "startRefPinned" BOOLEAN, "startRefIgnored" BOOLEAN, "endRefPinned" BOOLEAN, "endRefIgnored" BOOLEAN, "createdBy" VARCHAR, "createdTime" NUMBER, "updatedBy" VARCHAR, "updatedTime" NUMBER, "commitTime" NUMBER, "startDate" NUMBER, "endDate" NUMBER, "active" BOOLEAN)
        CLUSTER BY ("type", "active");
    Interactions staging table
    CREATE TABLE "<database_name>"."<schema_name>"."interactions"
    ("uri" VARCHAR, "version" NUMBER, "type" VARCHAR, "attributes" VARIANT, "crosswalks" VARIANT, "members" VARIANT, "createdBy" VARCHAR, "createdTime" NUMBER, "updatedBy" VARCHAR, "updatedTime" NUMBER, "commitTime" NUMBER, "timestamp" NUMBER(13,0), "active" BOOLEAN)
        CLUSTER BY ("type", "active");
    Matches staging table
    CREATE TABLE "<database_name>"."<schema_name>"."matches"
    ("entityId" VARCHAR, "potential_matches" VARIANT, "not_matches" VARIANT, "manual_matches" VARIANT, "timestamp" NUMBER(13,0), "version" NUMBER, "active" BOOLEAN)
        CLUSTER BY ("active");
    Merges staging table
    CREATE TABLE "<database_name>"."<schema_name>"."merges"
    ("mergeKey" VARCHAR, "winnerId" VARCHAR, "loserId" VARCHAR, "timestamp" NUMBER(13,0), "matchRules" VARIANT, "mergeRulesUris" VARIANT, "type" VARCHAR, "active" BOOLEAN)
    CLUSTER BY ("type", "active");
    Links staging table
    CREATE TABLE "<database_name>"."<schema_name>"."links"
    ("winnerId" VARCHAR, "loserId" VARCHAR, "timestamp" NUMBER(13,0), "active" BOOLEAN)
        CLUSTER BY ("active");
  3. In the SQL worksheet, view the Successfully created notification message.

For general information, see Create table in Snowflake SQL Command Reference.