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Errors Related to SBC

Learn aboutto Search Before Create (SBC) errors

This topic provides troubleshooting steps for errors you may receive from the Reltio Integration for Salesforce Search Before Create (SBC) process.

SBC import fails with "Invalid Cross Reference ID" error

This error occurs when you perform the following steps:
  1. Perform search by SBC for some object.
  2. Click on Preview&Import.
  3. Click Import to import the entity.


This issue occurs if you try to insert an incorrect ID field because there is no object with such an ID in Salesforce, similar to defining a reference to an account object that does not exist. For example, a user works with two Salesforce organizations and maps the reference to an account into some Reltio attribute in to_reltio mapping. This Reltio attribute can contain the reference to account from one Salesforce organization that does not exist in another Salesforce organization. If this Reltio attribute is defined in to_salesforce mapping there is a possibility that SBC imports Salesforce object with ID that comes from the other Salesforce organization.

SBC import fails with Salesforce validation error

This can occur when you perform the following steps:
  1. Perform search by SBC for some object.
  2. Click on Preview&Import.
  3. Click Import to import the entity.


During the import of a record from Reltio on the SBC screen, Salesforce performs validation on the data including the defined data under Validation Rules of the Salesforce object (sObject). You can see such validation errors and warning messages on the screen and the system fails the import function. Navigate to Setup > Object Manager > Account (or other objects you are working with) > Validation Rules to check the validation rules that your Salesforce admin implemented.

SBC import fails with the "Country must be Set Before Setting State" error

This can occur when you perform the following steps:
  1. Perform search by SBC for some object.
  2. Click on Preview&Import.
  3. Click Import to import the entity.


In this case, the Country and States picklists most likely are activated for the Salesforce organization but the to_salesforce mapping contains the mapping for Country instead of CountryCode. As a result, the Country value is ignored and the State value is set. You need to update the mapping and define a mapping for CountryCode that is a two letter ISO 3166 code. In Reltio, the Country values may be as country names. Check if RDM is configured for Country. If yes, then use the lookupCode to map codes. The example of the mapping for CountryCode is as follows:

    "sfdcAttrName": "CountryCode",
    "value": "=source(configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/Address/attributes/Country).lookupCode()"

SBC import fails with some field is not writable error

This can occur when you perform the following steps:
  1. Perform search by SBC for some object.
  2. Click on Preview&Import.
  3. Click Import to import the entity.


You cannot edit some fields of an object. For example, you cannot set a value for the Contact Name field directly instead it is auto generated by salesforce. The to_salesforce mapping must not contain fields that cannot be edited. Therefore, remove such fields from the mapping. Refer to https://workbench.developerforce.com/ tool to view the object description and check if a field is creatable/writable.

Picklists do not appear for Shipping State and Shipping Country fields on SBC page

When you open the SBC page, picklists do not appear for the Shipping state and Shipping Country fields.


In this case, the Country and States picklists most likely are activated for the Salesforce organization but the to_salesforce mapping contains the mapping for Country instead of CountryCode. As a result, the Country value is ignored and the State value is set. You need to update the mapping and define a mapping for CountryCode that is a two letter ISO 3166 code. In Reltio, the Country values may be as country names. Check if RDM is configured for Country. If yes, then use the lookupCode to map codes. The example of the mapping for CountryCode is as follows:

    "sfdcAttrName": "CountryCode",
    "value": "=source(configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/Address/attributes/Country).lookupCode()"
Reltio Integration for Salesforce