Accelerate the Value of Data

Profile Perspective Details

When you log into Reltio, you can search for a profile and then view the details in the Profile view.

The following image illustrates the main Profile View.

The header at the top of the page displays the Reltio logo, the tenant you are currently logged into, and the Quick search. This is a common to all your pages. The tenant displayed is actually a dropdown, from where you can select another tenant to switch to. In this dropdown, you can see all tenants that you have access to.

The color of the header can be specific to a tenant, to make it easier for you to identify the tenant you are currently working in. For example, you can choose a different color for you dev, test, and production tenants. You can also choose to display your logo in the header. For more information, see topic Configuring Dashboards.

You can view entity details in the profile view and navigate to the different perspectives or views. These views are displayed as a horizontal menu, making it easier to traverse through them. You can see the following views here:

  • Relationships: enables you to view the relationship details of an entity with other entities.
  • Graph: provides graph views for the entity, showing all of the objects related to the entity.
  • Potential Matches: enables you to search for profiles that are a potential match and merge them.
  • Interactions: enables you to view interactions between profiles.
  • Sources: helps you to manage the data sources in your profile.
  • Activity Log: displays details of the various user activities across the tenant.

In the right navigation pane, you will see tabs to view workflow, collaboration, and history details. For more information, see topic Profile Tabs.