Synchronizing account and contact information
Learn how Reltio Integration for Salesforce automatically keeps data in sync between Salesforce and Reltio
Reltio Integration for Salesforce ensures that the data, whether it was created or updated in Salesforce or Reltio is automatically kept in sync. Salesforce provides two-way synchronization between you Salesforce organization and a Reltio Customer Tenant.
When a new record is created in Salesforce and is synchronized with Reltio, a Salesforce crosswalk is added to the record in Reltio. If this triggers a merge in Reltio, the outcome of the merge will be sent back to Salesforce. Salesforce's in-built merge service is used to send the merged records back.
Similarly when a Reltio entity is sent to Salesforce, a Salesforce crosswalk is added to the Reltio entity. Any updates to an entity in Reltio or Salesforce are distributed to the other system.
- No Action: Deletions are managed manually by data stewards.
- Soft Delete: If the deletion is done in Reltio platform, a status flag is set on the Salesforce record to indicate it is no longer active. If the deletion is done in Salesforce, then the Reltio crosswalk is end dated
- Hard Delete: If a record is deleted from one system, it is deleted from the other. This is a rare use case as customers usually want to keep a record of historical data to maintain consistency with upstream and downstream systems