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Reltio Integration for Salesforce Profile Validation

The profile configuration is a JSON object and contains reltio and salesforce fields that are JSON objects too.

Profile validation checks if all required fields are provided. Then the profile validation checks for connectivity between Reltio and Salesforce.

If the attribute is optional and available then the connector checks the value. For example, some attributes can have true or false values. Also, an email must have a correct format.

For some optional fields like reporting or logSyncErrors,the connector only checks values. Whereas, the customMergeService connector checks the connection.

The Profile validation also ensures that if you try to post a profile that already exists in the tenant with the same Salesforce login URL and user, the profile is not updated in Salesforce.

Table 1. Reltio Fields and Applied Checks
tenantUrltrueType: String. If not provided, the validation fails.
usernamefalseType: String. If not provided in config, then the global service user is used. If the global service user is not configured, the validation fails.
passwordfalseType: String. If not provided in config, then the global service password is used. If the global service password is not configured, the validation fails.
authUrlfalseType: String. If not provided in config, then the global authUrl is used. If the global authUrl is not configured, the validation fails.
authTokenfalseType: String. If not provided in config, then the global authToken is used. If the global authToken is not configured, the validation fails.
Table 2. Salesforce Fields and Applied Checks
loginUrltrueType: String. If not provided, validation fails.
usertrueType: String. If not provided, validation fails.
passwordtrueType: String. If not provided, validation fails.
Table 3. Possible Errors
Error MessagePossible ReasonResolution
Required section "reltio" is missing in profile. Section "reltio" is missingAdd "reltio" section to your profile
The reltio.tenantUrl value does not match to https://{environment}.reltio.com/reltio/api/{tenant}Incorrect tenantUrlThe tenant URL is: https://{environment}.reltio.com/reltio/api/{tenant}to_reltio
The initial tenant name does not correspond to reltio.tenantUrlThe {tenant} in your save profile request is not same with tenant from tenantUrlVerify your Save profile request or your tenant URL. You have to use the same tenants.dictionaries.
Tenant {tenant} not foundTenant is not found in environment from tenantUrlVerify if you are using right environment and if your tenant exists.
Authentication failed

Please check username, password, authUrl and authToken

Defined username, password, authUrl and authTokenCheck your username, password, authUrl, and authToken or use the default values.
Required section 'salesforce' is missing in profile.Section "salesforce" is missingAdd "salesforce" section to your profile.
Wrong user value {user} formatThe Salesforce service user hasn't been verifiedVerify you are using the correct Salesforce user
Connection to Salesforce was failed.Not able to establish connection by defined valuesVerify your loginUrl, user, password
Connection to custom merge service failed.Not able to connect to the Custom Merge ServiceVerify whether the URL for Custom Merge Service is correct. Make sure the required APIs are implemented.