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Mapping Validation

Mapping validation does not allow use of different sources.

If there are several mapping items, all of them must use the same source. Further the same source cannot be used in different connector profiles of the same tenant.

Mapping validation checks that each mapping item on the root level has all required fields. Validation rules check if required attributes are provided with the correct attribute type and format. For example, some attributes can have true or false values. Also, an email must have a correct format.

If the attribute is optional and available then the connector checks the value.

Different rules apply to the constructs used mapping at different levels. The following section helps you understand the validation performed and kind of errors you might encounter while working with mappings:

Table 1. Mapping Item Fields and Applied Checks
Attribute Required Validation Rule
description false Type: String.
isActive false Type: Boolean. Possible values - true/false
sobject true Type: String. JSON Object.
reltioObjectType true Type: String. Checks if the provided value exists in L3 (entityTypes/relationTypes)
sfdcSource true Type: String. Checks if the provided value exists in L3 (sources). Only one source can be used for all mapped object types within the mapping.
to_salesforce true Type: JSON Object
to-reltio true Type: JSON Object
Table 2. 'sobject' Fields and Applied Checks
Attribute Required Validation Rule
Type true Type: String. Checks if the provided value exists in the Salesforce organization.
recordTypeId false Type: String. Record Type Id for a particular SObject, for example: 01234000001ABcDAAA. Checks that the provided value exists in the Salesforce organization.
Table 3. 'to_salesforce' Fields and Applied Checks
Attribute Required Validation Rule
filter false Type String:
Possible Functions:
  • equals (Accept two parameters. Parameter #1 - Reltio attribute, Parameter #2 - value)
  • notEquals (Accept two parameters. Parameter #1 - Reltio attribute, Parameter #2 - value)
attributeMapping true Type: Array of JSON objects
relatedObjects false Type: Array of JSON objects
Table 4. 'to_reltio' Fields and Applied Checks
Attribute Required Validation Rule
filter false Type String. Possible Functions:
  • equals (Accept two parameters. Parameter #1 - sobject field, Parameter #2 - value)
  • notEquals (Accept two parameters. Parameter #1 - sobject field, Parameter #2 - value)
attributeMapping true Type: Array of JSON objects
Table 5. 'attribute mapping' fields in 'to_salesforce' Fields and Applied Checks
Attribute Required Validation Rule
sfdcAttrName true Type: String. Salesforce object field. Checked in Salesforce metadata.

Salesforce object fields that are External ID fields cannot be mapped.

value true Type: String. Two possible values:
  • Type: String. Reltio Uniform Resource Identifier. Checked in Reltio metadata. For more information, see Configuration API.
  • Expression (always starts with '='). Reltio/sobject attributes specified as function parameters are checked with Reltio/Salesforce metadata.
Table 6. 'attribute mapping' fields in 'to_reltio' Fields and Applied Checks
Attribute Required Validation Rule
uri true Type: String. Reltio Uniform Resource Identifier. Checked in Reltio metadata. For more information, see Configuration API.
value true Type: String. Three possible values:
  • Salesforce object field. Checked in Salesforce metadata.
  • Expression (always starts with '='). Reltio/sobject attributes specified as function parameters are checked with Reltio/Salesforce metadata.
  • Array of JSON objects. Each JSON object have structure:
    	"attributeMapping": []
    (Example: Map simple Salesforce field to nested Reltio attribute)
          "attributeMapping": [
              "uri": "configuration/entityTypes/Organization/attributes/Phone/Type",
              "value": "='Home'"
              "uri": "configuration/entityTypes/Organization/attributes/Phone/Number",
              "value": "HomePhone"
sobject false Type String. JSON object
filter false Type String Possible Functions:
  • equals (Accept two parameters. Parameter #1 - sobject field, Parameter #2 - value)
  • notEquals (Accept two parameters. Parameter #1 - sobject field, Parameter #2 - value)
compoundFieldName false Type: String. Check in Salesforce metadata
Table 7. 'relatedObjects' fields in 'to_salesforce' Fields and Applied Checks
Attribute Required Validation Rule
sobject true Type String. JSON object
filter false Type String Possible Functions:
  • equals (Accept two parameters. Parameter #1 - Reltio attribute, Parameter #2 - value)
  • notEquals (Accept two parameters. Parameter #1 - Reltio attribute, Parameter #2 - value)
relationshipName false Type: String. First relation in describe. Check in Salesforce Metadata.
rootUri false Type: String. Reltio attribute name. Check in Reltio Metadata.
attribute mapping true Type: Array of JSON objects. (See 'attributeMapping' fields in 'to_salesforce').