Unify and manage your data

Mapping Functions

Mapping functions can be used to influence the field values and perform transformation on the field values.

A rich set of functions are available that allow you to concatenate, join, extract and perform various transformations on the fields. These functions are available for both Salesforce to Reltio and Reltio to Salesforce data transfer.


The following table lists the mapping functions for the Reltio to Saleforce direction:

Table 1. Reltio to Salesforce Functions
source[uri] - Define source by *uri*. Start point for *ANY* function chain. This root source to be used in the next function steps. The function must get at least one parameter.
=source(configuration/entityTypes/Organization/attributes/Name) => ["Some.Name", "Some.Name2"]
get[Element Id (required)] - Returns the element at the specified position in the function chain result [1..n]
=source(configuration/entityTypes/Organization/attributes/Name).split('.').get(2) => ["Name"]           
 {["Some.Name", "Some.Name2"] => [Some], [Name], [Some], [Name2] => [Name]}
getExt[Element Id (required)] - Returns the element at the specified position in the specified *source* [1..n]
=source(configuration/entityTypes/Organization/attributes/Name).getExt(2) => ["Some.Name2"] 
defaultTo[defaultValue (required)] - Return default value in case the previous chain has returned null value
=>  {["Some.Name", "Some.Name2"] => null => [No_Number]}
compare[valueToCompare (required), trueResult (required), falseResult (required)] - return trueResult or falseResult in depends on comparing the current result with valueToCompare.
=source(configuration/entityTypes/Organization/attributes/Name).compare(0, true, false)
equals[uri (required),value (required)] - filter by level up value, where the value has to be equal to URI value
.equals(configuration/entityTypes/Organization/attributes/Phone/attributes/Type, Home)

[uri (required),value (required)] - filter by level up value, where the value have to be equals to uri value.

The function checks the lookup code defined in RDM canonical value instead of the value in the Relito attribute.

Note: It cannot be used after 'split function'
.equalsLookup(configuration/entityTypes/Organization/attributes/Gender, M)
Result will contain all attribute values where lookupCode equals to 'M'
notEquals[uri (required),value (required)] - filter by level up value, where the value have not to be equals to uri value
.notEquals(configuration/entityTypes/Organization/attributes/Phone/attributes/Type, Home)

[uri (required),value (required)] - filter by level up value, where the value have to be equals to uri value.

The function checks the lookup code defined in the RDM canonical column instead of the value in the Relito attribute.

Note: It cannot be used after 'split function'
.notEqualsLookup(configuration/entityTypes/Organization/attributes/Gender, M)
Result will contain all attribute values where lookupCode not equals to 'M'
join[separator (required)] - join all elements by separator
=> ["Some.Name,Some.Name2"]
concat[prefix, suffix] - concat all elements with prefix and suffix.
=source(configuration/entityTypes/Organization/attributes/Name).concat(mr , fon) 
=> ["mr Some.Name fon", "mr Some.Name2 fon"]
split[separator (required)] - split each element by separator
=source(configuration/entityTypes/Organization/attributes/Name).split('.').get(3) => ["Some"]
lookupCodeExtracts the lookup code from the attribute instead of the value.
=source(configuration/entityTypes/Organization/attributes/Address/attributes/Country).lookupCode() => ["US"]
uriExtracts the entity URI
=uri() => ["entities/1BBYoml7"]


The following table lists the mapping functions for the Salesforce to Reltio direction:

Table 2. Salesforce to Reltio Functions
source[arrayOfSobjectFieldNames] - Define sources by field names. Function should get at least one parameter
=source(FirstName,LastName)  => [Mile, Hopson] => Mile (By default get first element)
get[Element Id (required)] - Returns the element at the specified position in the specified *source* [1..n]
=source(FirstName,LastName).get(1) => Mile
getExt=source(FirstName,LastName).get(1) => Mile
=source(FirstName,LastName).get(1) => Mile
defaultTo[defaultValue (required)] - Return default value in case the previous chain has returned null value
=source(Fake).defaultTo(fake)  => fake
compare[valueToCompare (required), trueResult (required), falseResult (required)] - return trueResult or falseResult in depends on comparing current result with valueToCompare
=source(MiddleName).compare(fon, is fon, not fon) => is fon
equals[uri (required),value (required)] - filter by level up value, where the value have to be equals to uri value
=source(PersonMailingPostalCode).equals(PersonMailingCountry, United States) => true
notEquals[uri (required),value (required)] - filter by level up value, where the value have not to be equals to uri value
=source(PersonMailingPostalCode).notEquals(PersonMailingCountry, United States) => false
join[separator (required)] - join all elements by separator
=source(FirstName,LastName).join(' ') => [Mile Hopson]
concat[prefix, suffix] - concat all elements with prefix and suffix.
=source(MiddleName).concat(This is: , - middle name) => [This is: fon - middle name]
split[separator (required)] - split each element by separator
=source(PersonMailingCountry).split(' ') => United States => United (By default get first element)