Unify and manage your data

Install the Reltio Integration for Salesforce

Learn how to install the Reltio Integration for Salesforce managed package.

To install the Reltio Integration for Salesforce, do the following tasks.

You can navigate to Salesforce AppExchange in different ways.

While accessing the AppExchange , you can log in to browser Salesforce AppExchange page. Also you can login to http://login.salesforce.com and open AppExchange page in modal window.
  1. Navigate to AppExchange.
    1. In your organization, go to Setup.
    2. In the Search box, type AppExchange.


    1. If you are in AppExchange already, in the upper-left corner select the AppExchange link.

    See the following image for AppExchange.

  2. Navigate to the Reltio Integration for Salesforce with this link.

    The managed package is a Private Listing so you cannot search for it.

  3. Select Get it Now.

    If you're not logged in, then a Log in to AppExchange message appears.

  4. In the Log in to AppExchange message, select Open Login screen.

  5. Select Allow.

    You will get the access to the AppExchange.

  6. Select hte Org in which you want to install.

    This helps you to install the organization.

    Note: Before you install in a production environment, you need to test in a Sandbox.
  7. Install the Reltio Integration for Salesforce.

  8. Select Confirm and Install.
  9. Select Install with Admins Only.

  10. Install the Reltio Connected Data for Salesforce.

    You can start the installation now.

    Note: The option deploys the package contents into the Salesforce organization. The Install with Admins Only option enables you to proceed with the configuration of the connector.

Configuring the remote site settings

  1. In the Salesforce Org, open Setup.
  2. Go to Security > Remote Site settings.
  3. In the Salesforce Org, add the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the configuration.
  4. From Salesforce Org, give access to the URIs.

To configure remote settings, use the list of URIs described in this table.

Table 1. API URIs
URIs of the APIDescription
https://auth.reltio.comDefines the Set Auth service, which is used by the Reltio Integration for Salesforce. This service must be called at least with an auth header.
https://env.reltio.comDefines URI for tenant environment where the env is the name of the tenant environment.
Defines the Reltio Integration for Salesforce URI.
https://prod-sfdc-sbc-api.reltio.com/healthcheckDefines the API URI for SFDC Search Before Create (SBC).

Create a Reltio Integration for Salesforce profile

You can create a Reltio Integration for Salesforce profile. Setting up the Reltio Integration for Salesforce is a one-time activity.

Note: The Reltio Integration for Salesforce profile consists of the following configurations for your Salesforce Organization:
  1. Salesforce organization and Reltio tenant credentials
  2. Mapping of objects, fields, filters and custom logic
  3. Batch size of API messages and frequency of synchronization from Salesforce to Reltio.

Define the SFDC Connector Environment

You can define a specific connector instance based on cloud location(Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Run the following steps to identify a particular connector instance:
  1. On the Salesforce Application, navigate to Setup.
  2. Type Custom Settings in the search bar.

  3. Select Custom Settings.
  4. On the Reltio Sync Settings, select Manage.

  5. Select Edit.

    The Edit Reltio Sync Settings page will help you to identify the Connector Environment. You can set the values as following:
    • For AWS add 361-ssrv.
    • For GCP add gus-ssrv

    On the Edit Reltio Sync Settings page, add the credentials per this table.

    Table 2. Credentials for Edit Reltio Sync Settings
    Credentials Description
    Auth URLDefines the authorized URL.

    For example, https://auth.reltio.com.

    Connector EnvironmentDefines the environment of the connector.

    You have several connectors with different auth(s).

    For example, gus, 361.
    Note: The environment changes have to be done before profile installation. You cannot change the environment after saving the Connector profile or requests to remove the previous profile using the support ticket.
    Connector NameDefines the name of the connector.

    For example, sfdc-integration.

  6. Select Save.

Connect Salesforce with the Reltio Tenant

After you have installed the application for the first time, do the following activities.

  1. Open app launcher.
  2. Select Reltio Integration for Salesforce.
  3. Enter the credentials for Reltio Data Cloud.

    The Reltio Client ID and Reltio Client Secret, along with the Reltio Tenant ID and Reltio Tenant environment. To create a new client, see topic Add new client.

  4. Select Verify t to check if the credentials are correct.
    Note: You can establish a connection between Salesforce and Reltio.
  5. Select Next.

    To connect data between Salesforce and Reltio, see the credentials listed in this table.
    Table 3. Credentials for Reltio Cloud
    Credentials Description
    Reltio Client IDIdentifier of the client used for synchronization. To create a new client, see topic Add new client.
    Reltio Client SecretThe secret of the client.
    Reltio tenant IDIdentifier of the tenant, for example ddHXrrrotBeNhNO.
    Reltio tenant environmentThis is the URL prefix of your Tenant URL.

    For example, if your tenant URL is https://tst-01.reltio.com/ui/ddHXrrrotBeNhNO, this indicates that your tenant environment is tst-01.

  6. For Salesforce Service User, enter the credentials.
  7. Select Verify.

    This helps you to check if the credentials are correct.

  8. Select Next.

    The Default Mappings image appears as follows.

    You may get an error about a missing or incorrect configuration in Remote Site Setting. For more information, see Remote Site Settings.

  9. Select Default Mapping.

    This helps you to to view the out-of-the-box mapping of Salesforce and Reltio objects. The mappings depends on the accelerator you have configured in your Reltio tenant as well as on the Salesforce application.

  10. Select Sync Config to synchronize all the settings with Reltio.

  11. Select Finish to complete the setup.

    The values can be edited using the Reltio Control Panel tab available in the Reltio Integration for Salesforce for Salesforce App.

  12. In the Reltio Control Panel, navigate to Trigger Settings.
  13. Select Generate Triggers.

    As the Salesforce platform doesn't create the triggers automatically, you must create them manually.

  14. Select Create triggers manually.

    Use the source code of the Account and Contact triggers, in the table, and follow the steps in this Salesforce guide.