Unify and manage your data

Example - Synchronize new entity from Salesforce to Reltio

Learn how to synchronize a new entity from Salesforce to Reltio.

To sync a new entity from Reltio to Salesforce:
  1. Clone the following trigger recipes:
    • SFDC | TRG | Real Time Sync from Salesforce to Reltio - Account Upsert
    • SFDC | TRG | Sync from Salesforce to Reltio - Account Delete
  2. Edit the recipe.
  3. For all conditions and actions in the recipe, update the Object Type from Organization/Account to the new object.
  4. Clone the following process recipes:
    • SFDC | PROC | Upsert Process for Reltio Entity - Organization and OrganizationAffilliation
    • SFDC | PROC | Handle Process for Reltio Relations - OrganizationAffilliation and OrganizationIndividual
    • SFDC | PROC | Delete Process for Reltio Entity - Organization and OrganizationAffilliation
  5. Edit the recipes.
  6. For all conditions and actions in the recipe, update the Object Type from Organization/Account to the new object.
  7. Clone the following system recipes:
    • SFDC | SYS | Upsert Reltio Entity - Organization
    • SFDC | SYS | Upsert Reltio Relation - OrganizationAffiliation
  8. Edit the recipes.
  9. For all conditions and actions in the recipe, update the Object Type from Organization/Account to the new object.
  10. Edit the following recipe:
    • SFDC | FUNC | Get Address And Phone From Salesforce Object
  11. Add the new object to this recipe.