Accelerate the Value of Data

Real-time synchronization from Salesforce to Reltio

Learn about the recipes used to synchronize data from Salesforce to Reltio.

These recipes use Salesforce real-time triggers to start the synchronization process from SFDC to Reltio. This process follows a single transaction approach, i.e. one event, one recipe job. This trigger is based on webhooks, which enable real-time response for the integration to take place after the data is changed in the Salesforce organization.

The main trigger of the basic recipe is new or updated event messages in Salesforce. An event where a new account is created or updated immediately activates this trigger, and it automatically retrieves jobs that have been missed if the recipe is stopped when restarted.

Use the following recipes to sync data from Salesforce to Reltio in real-time:

  • Triggers - these recipes for each event or object use Salesforce Connector triggers to initiate PROC recpes.

    • SFDC | TRG | Real Time Sync from Salesforce to Reltio - Contact Upsert
    • SFDC | TRG | Real Time Sync from Salesforce to Reltio - Account Upsert
    • SFDC | TRG | Sync from Salesforce to Reltio - Contact Delete
    • SFDC | TRG | Sync from Salesforce to Reltio - Account Delete
  • Process recipes - these recipes handle the orchestration and business logic required to deal with each object or event, in turn calling other PROC or SYS recipes.

    • SFDC | PROC | Upsert Process for Reltio Entity - Individual and OrganizationIndividual
    • SFDC | PROC | Delete Process for Reltio Entity - Individual and OrganizationIndividual
    • SFDC | PROC | Upsert Process for Reltio Entity - Organization and OrganizationAffilliation
    • SFDC | PROC | Delete Process for Reltio Entity - Organization and OrganizationAffilliation
    • SFDC | PROC | Handle Process for Reltio Relations - OrganizationAffilliation and OrganizationIndividual
  • System recipes - these recipes handle the mapping and API calls to the Reltio system

    • SFDC | SYS | Upsert Reltio Entity - Individual
    • SFDC | SYS | Upsert Reltio Relation - OrganizationIndividual
    • SFDC | SYS | Upsert Reltio Relation - OrganizationAffiliation
    • SFDC | SYS | Terminate Reltio Entity or Reltio Relation
  • Function recipes - these recipes are used in the synchronization process.

    • SFDC | FUNC | Get Address And Phone From Salesforce Object


Here's a list of components that the recipes are dependent on:


  • Connection to Salesforce

  • Connection to Reltio tenant

Function recipes

  • SYS | Upsert Reltio Entity - Organization

  • SYS | Upsert Reltio Relation - Organization Affiliation

  • PROC | Handle Reltio Relation Between Entities

  • FUNC | Get Salesforce IDs From Reltio Entity Crosswalks

  • FUNC | Get Address And Phone From Salesforce Object

  • FUNC | Get Address And Phone From Reltio Entity

  • SYS | Handle Reltio Salesforce Crosswalk for Delete Event

  • SYS | Upsert Reltio Entity - Individual

  • SYS | Upsert Reltio Relation - Organization Individual