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Synchronize OrganizationAffliation Relationship

Learn more about the organization affiliation relationships synchronized between Salesforce and Reltio.

PROC | Batch Sync from Salesforce to Reltio - OrganizationAffiliation Relationship

The main trigger for getting entries in this basic recipe is the Scheduled records search using SOQL query in Salesforce.

In this recipe, the trigger retrieves all records with parents from Salesforce. To create the relationship, the following details about the child and parent accounts are required:

  • Name

  • ID

  • Date of creation

  • Date of modification

These details are transferred to the recipe.

We use SOQL expressions to retrieve these fields. The maximum size of the array is 2000 records, which is a limit set by Workato. We can configure how often we want to execute the trigger in the settings. By default, it runs only once when the recipe starts and again when the recipe is started again.