Accelerate the Value of Data

Configure environment properties

Learn more about the environment properties to configure while installing RIH recipes.

Take a look at the tables below to understand the property keys you must configure for RIH recipes.

Table 1. Global - configuration
Environment Property KeyRequiredPurposeExample
SFDC_ReltioServiceAccountYesUsed to exclude Reltio outbound events generated as a consequence of running the recipe from SFDC to Reltio. Critical property to stop infinity loops in the overall integration. Use the same User Name or API key used in RIH Reltio Connection. This user must be used exclusively by RIHrihserviceuser
SFDC_SalesforceServiceAccountIdYesUsed to exclude Salesforce outbound events generated as a consequence of running the recipe synchronization from Reltio to SFDC. Critical property to stop infinity loops in the overall integration. This value (15-character ID) is directly related with the Salesforce User configured in the RIH Salesforce Connection.
This ID can be obtained by following the below steps:
  1. Log in to Salesforce by entering your credentials.

  2. Navigate to Setup

  3. Click on Administration > Users > Users

  4. Click on the Service Account User used by RIH Connection.

  5. Extract the User ID from the URL. For example …/setup/ManageUsers/page?address=%2F005DE00000GbYHd%3Fnoredirect%3D1%26isUserEntityOverride%3D1 ID = 005DE00000GbYHd

This user must be used exclusively by RIH. Please note that Salesforce automatically adds 3 more characters to this user (making it a 18-character ID) and register this value at the Last Modified By ID / Created By ID fields for the entities that it creates/updates by using the API.

SFDC_EmailAddressForNotificationNoDetermines the email(s) recipients for error notifications triggered by failed recipe jobs. Use ";" to separate multiple email;
Table 2. Event Driven - Configuration
Environment Property KeyRequiredPurposeExample
SFDC_ReltioSNSTopicNameYesIdentifies the name of the AWS SNS Topic used to consume messages from Reltio and trigger the synchronization to Salesforcereltio_to_sf_sync_topic
SFDC_ReltioSQSQueueNameNoIdentifies the name of the AWS SQS Queue used to consume messages from Reltio and trigger the synchronization to Salesforce
Note: AWS SQS is an alternative mechanism to the SNS topic approach.
SFDC_SalesforceServiceAccountEmailYesUsed exclusively for the merge operation in Salesforce that requires a SOAP call. Use the same Email User Name used in RIH Salesforce Connection. This user must be used exclusively by
SFDC_SalesforceServiceAccountSecretYesUsed exclusively for the merge operation in Salesforce that requires a SOAP call. Salesforce Service Account Secret (aka Security ID) is a combination of Salesforce Service Account Password + Security Token generated for the Salesforce account.

This Security Token can be obtained by below steps:

  1. Log in to your Salesforce account.

  2. Click the profile avatar and choose Settings.

  3. Select My Personal Information → Reset My Security Token.

  4. Check your email for the security token.

accpass + sectoken = accpasssectoken.

SFDC_GetNewPayloadFromReltioNoIf this property is enabled, a new entity payload is obtained from Reltio after getting the event from the streaming topic/queue. In other words, the payload received in the message is NOT used for upserting the entity at Salesforce. Possible values:
  • false or any other value (including blank) to disable the this feature

  • true to enable this feature

SFDC_DeleteActionToReltioNoDetermines the action to be executed by the recipe at Reltio platform when a Salesforce object is deleted. Possible values:
  • crosswalk or any other value (including blank) to set Delete Date in SFDC Crosswalk for the given Reltio Entity or Relation

  • removal to Delete SFDC Crosswalk for the given Reltio Entity or Relation

SFDC_EnableCallbackToSalesforceNoFor the Salesforce to Reltio synchronization, this flag determines if data needs to be updated back in Salesforce after the creation/edition of the Entity in Reltio. For example, make sure the Reltio URI or cleansed data is updated back to SalesforcePossible values:
  • false or any other value (including blank) to deactivate the callback

  • true to activate the callback

Table 3. ELT/Batch - Configuration
Environment Property KeyRequiredPurposePossible values
SFDC_ToReltioBatchSizeNoThis property determines the maximum number of Salesforce Objects to be included in each recipe job related with the Salesforce to Reltio ETL sync. Minimum is 1, maximum recommended is 1500, default is 100 if none is specified.
  • 1-1500
  • empty defaults to 100
SFDC_ToReltioRelationsBatchSizeNoThis property determines the maximum number of Salesforce Relations to be included in each recipe job related with the Salesforce to Reltio ETL sync. Minimum is 1, maximum recommended is 1500, default is 100 if none is specified.
  • 1-1500
  • empty defaults to 100
SFDC_ToReltioOverrideOrganizationAffiliationNoThis property used to enable/disable the override of %OrganizationAffiliation ;relationship when there is failure in creating the relationship in Reltio.
  • false or any other value (including blank) to disable the override
  • true to enable the override
SFDC_ToReltioOverrideOrganizationIndividualNoThis property used to enable/disable the override of OrganizationIndividual relationship when there is failure in creating the relationship in Reltio.
  • false or any other value (including blank) to disable the override
  • true to enable the override