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Search for Reltio 360 Data Products

Learn about the Search feature in the Reltio Hub.

Once you load data into the Reltio 360 Data Products Hub, use the Search feature to search and view entity records.

Search comes in two forms: the search bar on the header and the search option in the left navigation pane.

Search bar

Did you notice the search bar available in the header in the Hub? This is the quick search, it instantly lists profiles based on the criteria you enter. For example, let's search for profiles with the first name Maria. When you enter the criteria in the search bar, a list of profiles for all entity types with the name Maria is listed in a dropdown, as shown below:

Select a profile from the list to view its details in the Profile view. For more information about the profile view, see topic Profiles for Reltio 360 Data Products.

Search and advanced search

Find a more extensive search feature in the left navigation pane in the Hub. When you select this option, the Search page displays, and you can view a list of profiles for the selected entity type.

You can further filter records by selecting attribute values listed below the entity type. For general information on search functionality in the Reltio Connected Data Platform, see topic Search.