Unify and manage your data

Manage source system accounts

Learn how to manage access credentials for the different source systems that you load data from.

After you save the access credentials for each source system, you can view, edit and delete these credentials as needed. To revise records, use the Load Wizard. For more information, see topic Load entities into a tenant.

To view or delete records

  1. In the Data Loader home page, in the left navigation pane, select Settings.
    The display shows the list of credential sources associated with your selected tenant. The sources can include:
    Table 1. Credential sources for a tenant
    Item Description
    Sources such as:
    • Google Cloud Storage
    • Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)
    • Microsoft Azure Blob Storage
    Details such as:
    • Account Name
    • Bucket Name
    • Location
    • File Path
    • Region
    Connection details and sign-in credentials:
    • File Mask
    • Source account key, like AWS Key
    • Secret Key
    • Other IDS

  2. To view details for an account, locate the storage source and row for the account.
  3. To delete an account, select the Trash Can icon to the right of the record.