Accelerate the Value of Data

JSON file loading example

Learn about how the Reltio Data Loader transforms JSON file objects to a flat file when you load a JSON file.

Transform process

The Data Loader runs a transformation process on the data in the JSON file to transform it into a flat table. The flat table format makes the data available for the software to ingest. The Data Loader transform process works the same way to ingest the data in CSV or Excel files.


Check out this example of how the Data Loader transforms the JSON data into a flat table:

JSON file to be transformed.

    "crosswalks": [
        "value": "609-854-7156",
        "type": "configuration/sources/HMS"
    "attributes": {
      "LastName": [
          "value": "Fritz"
      "FirstName": [
          "value": "An"
    "type": "configuration/entityTypes/HCP"
    "crosswalks": [
        "value": "203-564-1543",
        "type": "configuration/sources/HMS"
    "attributes": {
      "LastName": [
          "value": "Layous"
      "FirstName": [
          "value": "Ma"
    "type": "configuration/entityTypes/HCP"
    "crosswalks": [
        "value": "203-564-1543",
        "type": "configuration/sources/HMS"
    "attributes": {
      "LastName": [
          "value": "Rantanen"
      "FirstName": [
          "value": "Ba"
    "type": "configuration/entityTypes/HCP"

Resulting flat table

The transform results in a digestible flat table of data, which contains three data rows and five columns. The column headings correlate to the objects in the JSON file.
type_ type_crosswalks_1 value_FirstName_attributes_1 value_LastName_attributes_1 value_crosswalks_1
configuration/entityTypes/HCP configuration/sources/HMS An Fritz 609-854-7156
configuration/entityTypes/HCP configuration/sources/HMS Ma Layous 203-564-1543
configuration/entityTypes/HCP configuration/sources/HMS Ba Rantanen 203-564-1543