Accelerate the Value of Data

Configuration of Timelines for GDPR or CCPA Data

To meet the compliance and legal requirements for General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), it is critical that any delete requests raised by customers are processed at the earliest.

The deletion requests and entities that are flagged for deletion must be deleted or erased within the Service Level Agreement (SLA) threshold. For more information, see GDPR compliance in the Reltio Platform.

Reltio allows you to configure the SLA threshold, which has a default value of 10 days. Deleting the entities is a two-step process:
  1. Flag all entities that must be deleted. To flag all entities, set the DeleteEntity parameter to true. For more information, see Delete Entities by GDPR.
  2. Execute the entityDelete task.
Note: When the delete request is initiated, all data related to an entity or entities’ profile, such as historical data, non-surviving attributes of the entity or entities, and activity logs, are deleted.
To make sure that the delete request task is processed within the specified time, three parameters have been added. See Table 1: Parameters to understand the parameter names and default value of each parameter.
Table 1. Parameters
Parameter Name Description Default Parameter Value Where the Parameter is used
timeWaitThreshold Provide the time the current GDPR or CCPA delete request must wait before it is processed in the queue. For more information, see Delete Request - Time Wait Threshold Parameter Overview.
Note: Before you post the delete request, you must flag the entities that must be deleted using the DeleteEntity attribute.
dataProtectionTaskTimeWaitThreshold parameter value {ApplicationURL}/api/{tenantId}/entityDelete request
dataProtectionTaskTimeWaitThreshold Provides the maximum time the events queue will wait before the GDPR or CCPA delete request is added to the queue. For more information, see Tenant Configuration - Data Protection Task Time Wait Threshold Parameter Overview .
Note: To configure the waiting time, please contact your Customer Administrator.
10 days Tenant configuration
readOnly Identifies the data that must be deleted and verify if the data has been deleted after the delete request is completed. For more information, see Entities Flagged for Deletion.
Note: You can add a new timeWaitThreshold parameter value or readOnly parameter value every time you send the delete request. The most recent value at the time the request is sent will be considered.
false {ApplicationURL}/api/{tenantId}/entityDelete request

Delete Request - Time Wait Threshold Parameter Overview

The timeWaitThreshold parameter in the delete request allows you to configure the waiting time for the current delete request task. If the timeWaitThreshold value is the same as the dataProtectionTaskTimeWaitThreshold parameter value mentioned in the tenant configuration, then the timeWaitThreshold value is considered.

The timeWaitThreshold parameter is configurable and can be equal to and more than zero. If it is equal to zero, then the task is executed immediately. If there is no value provided (null value), then the default value, which is the dataProtectionTaskTimeWaitThreshold parameter value, is used. The task moves to the queue after waiting for the number of days mentioned.

See the example to view a request that has a timeWaitThreshold parameter value of 5 days, that is, the task moves to the queue after waiting for 5 days.
POST {{api_uri}}/{{tenant}}/entityDelete?timeWaitThreshold=5
See Table 2: Time Wait Threshold Parameter Values to understand the possible timeWaitThreshold parameter values that can be set.
Table 2. Time Wait Threshold Parameter Values
timeWaitThreshold Parameter Value Used in the Delete Request Task dataProtectionTaskTimeWaitThreshold Parameter Value in the Tenant Configuration Actual timeWaitThreshold Parameter Value Considered During Task Execution Task Executed (Y/N)
Less than zero (negative), decimal, or non-integer NA NA N.
Note: A validation error is generated.
Not specified Not specified 10 Y
Not specified Valid The dataProtectionTaskTimeWaitThreshold parameter value specified in the tenant configuration. Y
Valid and not null Not specified The timeWaitThreshold parameter value specified in the delete request task. Y
Valid and not null Valid and not null The timeWaitThreshold parameter value specified in the delete request task. Y
Null Not specified 10 Y
Null Valid and not null The dataProtectionTaskTimeWaitThreshold parameter value specified in the tenant configuration. Y

Tenant Configuration - Data Protection Task Time Wait Threshold Parameter Overview

The dataProtectionTaskTimeWaitThreshold parameter in the tenant configuration allows you to configure the maximum waiting time (in days) for an events queue before the delete request task is moved into the queue. This parameter is used when the timeWaitThreshold parameter value is not specified in the request.

POST {{api_uri}}/{{tenant}}/entityDelete
Note: If the timeWaitThreshold parameter is specified in the request and dataProtectionTaskTimeWaitThreshold parameter is specified in the tenant configuration, then the timeWaitThreshold parameter is considered when the task is executed.

By default, the dataProtectionTaskTimeWaitThreshold parameter is set to 10 days, which means that the task moves to the queue after 10 days. This value can be equal to and more than zero. If the value provided is zero, then there is no time wait threshold for the task, and it moves to the queue only if it is empty. If the value provided is lesser than zero, then the task is not executed.

See Table 3: Data Protection Task Time Wait Threshold Parameter Values to understand the possible dataProtectionTaskTimeWaitThreshold parameter values that can be set.
Table 3. Data Protection Task Time Wait Threshold Parameter Values
dataProtectionTaskTimeWaitThreshold Parameter Value Specified in the Tenant Configuration dataProtectionTaskTimeWaitThreshold Parameter Value Used for the Delete Request Task Task Executed (Y/N)
Not specified 10 days Y
Null 10 days Y
Greater than or equal to zero Specified time in days Y
Lesser than zero (negative), decimal, or non-integer 10 days N. A validation error is generated.

Entities Flagged for Deletion

The readOnly parameter allows you to enable the read-only mode. In this mode, you can view the list of entities that will be deleted after the delete request task is executed. The response will contain the total number of entities. The default value is false. In this case, the task is executed based on the timeWaitThresholdparameter value and the queue state.

POST {{api_uri}}/{{tenant}}/entityDelete?readOnly=false

If the default value is true, then the task is executed immediately regardless of the the timeWaitThreshold parameter value and the queue state.

If any value other than false or true is provided, then the response returns a validation error and the task is not executed.

See Table 4: Read-Only Parameter Values to understand the possible readOnly parameter values that can be set.
Table 4. Read-Only Parameter Values
timeWaitThreshold Parameter Value Used in the Delete Request Task dataProtectionTaskTimeWaitThreshold Parameter Value in the Tenant Configuration readOnly Parameter Value Actual timeWaitThreshold Parameter Value Considered During Task Execution
Not specified Not specified true zero
Not specified Valid true zero
Null Not specified true zero
Null Valid and not null true zero
Valid and not null Not specified true zero
Valid and not null Valid and not null true zero
Lesser than zero (negative), decimal, or non-integer NA true zero
Specified value NA false Specified value
NA NA Not Valid Validation error
If the readOnly parameter is set to false:
  • The response contains a validation error if the timeWaitThreshold parameter is not valid.
  • The response contains the valid timeWaitThreshold parameter value specified in the request. If the value is lesser than zero, The response will contain a validation error.
  • The response contains the dataProtectionTaskTimeWaitThreshold parameter value in the tenant configuration, if the timeWaitThreshold parameter value is not specified in the request.
If the readOnly parameter is set to true:
  • The timeWaitThreshold parameter is always set to zero, and will overwrite the value specified in the deletion request task.
  • The response contains a validation error even if the timeWaitThreshold parameter is not valid.
  • The response contains the default timeWaitThreshold parameter value if the timeWaitThreshold parameter is valid and greater than zero.


The response must contain the following information:
  • Launch parameters in the parameters block:
    • Tenant ID.
    • Value of the read-only mode.
    • Value of the timewaitThreshold parameter value.
  • Current status of the following task parameters in the currentState block:
    • readOnly
    • timeWaitThreshold
    • TriggeredBy. This parameter tells us why the task is inactive. The values can be empty queue or timewaitThreshold.
  • Entity Information of the objects processed with the task in the processedUri block:
    • The list of the entity URIs that are deleted after the task is executed.
    • The total number of URIs in the list. You can control the number of objects displayed in the response using the maxResultsToStore parameter.
      POST {{api_uri}}/{{tenant}}/entityDelete?readOnly=false&maxResultsToStore=2
    For example, if the task contains 3 objects to be deleted, and the maxResultsToStore parameter value is 2, then the processedUri block shows an ellipsis after the second object.
    "currentState": {
            "processedUri": [
The following JSON is returned when the task is in a scheduled state:
    "id": "d6afb44e-225b-41cd-9904-8ddcb0c2bb50",
    "groupId": "69f470e0-5242-4693-b19d-51495b269a4a",
    "createdTime": 1631532658043,
    "createdBy": "reltioUser",
    "updatedTime": 1631532658043,
    "updatedBy": "reltioUser",
    "type": "com.reltio.businesslogic.tasks.delete.GDPREntityDeleteTask",
    "status": "SCHEDULED",
    "name": "com.reltio.businesslogic.tasks.delete.GDPREntityDeleteTask",
    "createdOnHost": "RLT-L-EK01",
    "parallelExecution": false,
    "nodesGroup": "default",
    "parameters": {
        "tenantId": "LocalTest",
        "readOnly": "false",
        "timeWaitThreshold": "5"
    "currentState": {},
    "duration": "0s"
The following JSON is returned when the task is in a completed state:
    "id": "d6afb44e-225b-41cd-9904-8ddcb0c2bb50",
    "groupId": "69f470e0-5242-4693-b19d-51495b269a4a",
    "createdTime": 1631532658043,
    "createdBy": "reltioUser",
    "updatedTime": 1631532658043,
    "updatedBy": "reltioUser",
    "type": "com.reltio.businesslogic.tasks.delete.GDPREntityDeleteTask",
    "status": "COMPLETED",
    "name": "com.reltio.businesslogic.tasks.delete.GDPREntityDeleteTask",
    "createdOnHost": "RLT-L-EK01",
    "executedOnHost": "RLT-L-EK01",
    "parallelExecution": false,
    "nodesGroup": "default",
    "startTime": 1631532658226,
    "endTime": 1631532679264,
    "parameters": {
        "tenantId": "LocalTest",
        "readOnly": "false",
        "timeWaitThreshold": "5"
    "currentState": {
        "processedUri": [
        "readOnly": false,
        "numberOfFailedToPublishEvents": 0,
        "timeWaitThreshold": 5,
        "lastHourThroughput": 2.0,
        "numberOfProcessedObjects": 2,
        "triggeredBy": "empty queue",
        "status": "Completed"
    "throughput": 0.0952381,
    "duration": "21s"