Salesforce Connector API Error Codes
Relate the Salesforce API error codes with the error messages and possible solutions to resolve the issues.
Common Error Codes
Code | Message | Fix |
1000 | Full authentication is required to access this resource | Provide bearer token in the request header. |
1010 | This endpoint is forbidden for current user | User does not have appropriate Reltio permission to work with {tenantId} . The Reltio customer with ROLE_ADMIN_CUSTOMER role, will grant user access using the User Management application in Console with details such as environment , tenant ID , and endpoint . |
1020 | Invalid request, tenant {tenantId} is forbidden for current user | User does not have appropriate Reltio permission to work with {tenantId} . The Reltio customer with ROLE_ADMIN_CUSTOMER role, will grant user access using the User Management application in Console with details such as environment , tenant ID , and endpoint . |
1030 | 10 mb request limit exceeded | Request body is too large. Split data into smaller batches. If required, contact Reltio support team. |
1040 | Request body is not JSON Array | Ensure that the request body is in JSON Array format starting with '[' and ending with ']'. |
1050 | Request body is not JSON | Ensure that the request body is in JSON Array format starting with '{' and ending with '}'. |
1060 | Required parameter '{parameterName}' is missing | Provide the {parameterName} in your request. |
Configuration API Error Codes
Code | Message | Fix |
1100 | Profile '{profileName}' does not exist | Create a new profile with {profileName} before accessing the API. For more information, see Adding a Profile |
1110 | Tenant {tenantId} is not registered. | Register the {tenantId} before accessing the endpoint. |
1120 | Tenant {tenantId} is already registered | Indicates that the tenant is already registered and there is no need for additional steps. |
1130 | Profile deletion failed | Profile is not deleted. Contact Reltio support team and provide details. |
1140 | Configuration must be specified for new profile | Provide configuration (Reltio and Salesforce connection information) for the new profile. |
1150 | Mapping must be specified for new profile | Provide mapping for the new profile. For more information, see Sync and mapping errors. |
1160 | Required section "reltio" is missing in profile. | Provide Reltio section in profile configuration. |
1170 | Required field '{fieldName}' is missing in '{sectionName}' section. | Provide {fieldName} in the {sectionName} of the mapping configuration. |
1180 | Field '{fieldName}' is missing in '{sectionName}' section. | Provide {fieldName} in the {sectionName} of the mapping configuration. |
1190 | The reltio.tenantUrl value does not matches to https://{environment}{tenant}. | Fix the tenantUrl attribute in the profile configuration. |
1200 | The initial tenant name does not correspond to reltio.tenantUrl. | Fix the request URL by providing the correct tenantID . It should be same as in profile configuration. |
1210 | Tenant {tenantId} not found | {tenantId} does not exist in the environment specified in the profile configuration. Contact Reltio support team to provide the tenant with specified Id. |
1220 | Not authorized Reltio user | User credentials provided in profile configuration are wrong. Try to fix or delete them, so that the default service user will be used by the Salesforce Connector. |
1230 | Authentication failed. Please check username, password, authUrl and authToken | User credentials provided in profile configuration are wrong. Try to fix or delete them, so that default service user will be used by Salesforce Connector. |
1240 | Required section 'salesforce' is missing in the profile. | Provide a mandatory salesforce section in the profile configuration. |
1245 | Reporting email is not valid | Provided email string is not a valid email. |
1250 | Wrong user value [{username}] format | Fix the Salesforce user {username} . It must be in email format. |
1260 | Wrong namespace value [{namespace}] format | Fix the Managed Package namespace value. To get the correct name of Manage Package namespace, log in to Salesforce, navigate to Setup > Installed Packages > Reltio Connected Customer Data For Salesforce and check the namespace prefix attribute. |
1270 | Connection to Salesforce was failed. | Verify the username , password , security token , loginUrl in the Salesforce connection section of the profile configuration. |
1275 | Connection to custom merge failed | Verify whether URL for Custom Merge Service is correct. Make sure the required APIs are implemented. |
1280 | Profile '{profileName}' already uses the same Salesforce login URL and username | Provide another Salesforce user credential for the new profile as the username specified is already registered in another profile. |
1290 | Default SQS settings are absent in global configuration. | Salesforce Connector service is not configured properly and hence the profile cannot be stored. Contact Reltio support to fix the issue. |
1300 | Tenant registration API is deprecated. Use the profile registration API instead. | Use profile registration endpoint instead of the tenant registration. |
1310 | Metadata for tenant '{tenantId}' is not available. | Tenant {tenantId} is not configured properly. Contact Reltio support to provide the configured tenant. |
1320 | Metadata for sObject type '{sObjectType}' is not available. | Check for typo in the sObject Type name in mapping. Fix the typo and try to POST the mapping again. |
1330 | Cannot retrieve L3 configuration for tenant: {tenantId} | There are issues in the tenant metadata retrieval. Check the tenantUrl in profile configuration. If everything is correct, then contact the Reltio support team. |
1340 | Cannot retrieve sobject metadata from Salesforce for tenant {tenantId} | There are issues in Salesforce sObject metadata retrieval. Check the Salesforce connection attributes in the profile configuration. Check for the correctness of sObject Type name that is provided in the mapping. |
1350 | Cannot retrieve record types from Salesforce for tenant {tenantId} | Check if the record types are enabled in your Salesforce Organization for the specified sObject type. |
1355 | '{Reltio_Sync__c}' table is not accessible. Please check that SFDC managed package is installed | Check the managed package is installed in Salesforce organization. Check if the connector service user has access to |
Preview Mapping API Error Codes
Code | Message | Fix |
1360 | Profile configuration for tenant '{tenantId}' not found | Create the profile configuration with mapping before accessing the preview mapping endpoint. |
1370 | Wrong query parameters: {params} | Check if there are typos in the sObject and recordTypeId request parameters. |
1380 | Requested object not found in mapping | Add mapping for sObject using the configuration API before using the preview mapping endpoint. |
Queue Cleaning API Error Codes
Code | Message | Fix |
1400 | From SFDC To Reltio queue clearing is not supported via API. Please try to use Control Panel in your SFDC Instance | Login to your Salesforce Organization. Launch Reltio Connected Customer Data For Salesforce application. Navigate to Data Restore > Remove Sync Events and click the Clear button. |
1410 | Sync direction is not defined. Please use to_salesforce or to_reltio in the query path | Specify the direction of synchronization in your request. |
Enable/Disable Synchronization API Error Codes
Code | Message | Fix |
1420 | Parameter 'enabled' must be true or false. | Check the enabled query parameter. |
1430 | Error when generate SFDC Package Configuration | Contact the Reltio support team. |
Mapping Validation API Error Codes
Code | Message | Fix |
2000 | Provided mapping is not a JSON array | Mapping must start with '[' and end with ']'. |
2010 | Provided mapping contains more than one SFDC source | Remove the odd Salesforce source. |
2020 | Attribute 'isActive' must have boolean value. Possible values: 'true|false' | Fix the isActive attribute in mapping. |
2025 | "Attribute 'processMerge' must have boolean value. Possible values: 'true|false'". | Set the value for processMerge attribute as true or false. |
2026 | "Attribute 'customMerge' must have boolean value. Possible values: 'true|false'" | Set the value for customMerge attribute as true or false. |
2030 | Field 'deleteRelatedObjects' must have boolean value. Possible values: 'true|false' | Fix the deleteRelatedObjects attribute in mapping. |
2040 | Attribute 'type' has '{sObjectType}' value. Salesforce organization does not have this object type | Remove the mapping for {sObjectType} or fix any typos in the type name. |
2050 | Attribute 'recordTypeId' has '{recordType}' value. Salesforce object does not have this record type |
Fix the
2060 | Field 'attributeMapping' is not an array | Fix the attributeMapping value in mapping. |
2070 | Field 'relatedObjects' is not an array | Fix the relatedObjects value in mapping. |
2080 | Field 'relations' is not an array | Fix the relations value in mapping. |
2090 | Attribute 'sfdcSource' has '{sourceValue}' value. L3 configuration does not have this source in the sources list | {sourceValue} is absent in Reltio L3 configuration. Create new one with same name or use an existing name. To check list of available sources, navigate to Reltio Console application Data Modeler. |
2100 | Attribute 'sfdcSource' has SFDC source '{sfdcSource}' that is used in another profile | Use another source in mapping. Only single source per profile is allowed. |
2110 | Attribute 'reltioObjectType' has '{reltioObjectType}' value. L3 configuration does not have this entity type in the entityTypes list | {reltioObjectType} is absent in Reltio L3 configuration. Create new one with same name or use an existing name. To check the list of available entity types navigate to Reltio Console application Data Modeler. |
2120 | Attribute 'reltioObjectType' has '{relationType}' value. L3 configuration does not have this relation type in the relationTypes list | {relationType} is absent in Reltio L3 configuration. Create a new one with same name or use an existing one. To check the list of available relation types navigate to Reltio Console application Data Modeler. |
2130 | Sync object '[{syncObject}]' duplication found: {syncObject} | Remove duplicated {syncObject} section from attributeMapping section. |
2140 | Duplication found in related objects: {relatedObject} | Remove the duplicated {relatedObject} section from relatedObjects section. |
2150 | Attribute 'relationType' has '{relationType}' value. L3 configuration does not have this relation type in the 'relationTypes' list | {relationType} is absent in Reltio L3 configuration. Create new one with same name or use an existing name. To check list of available relation types navigate to Reltio Console application Data Modeler. |
2160 | Attribute 'relation' must be true for relation types | Set the relation attribute to true . |
2170 | Attribute 'startObjectType' must be specified for relation types | Specify the startObjectType for all relation types in mapping. |
2180 | StartObjectType {StartObjectType} is not mapped | Provide an appropriate type for {StartObjectType} . |
2190 | StartObjectType {StartObjectType} does not match or extend startObject type defined in relation metadata '{relationMetadata}' | Provide the correct type for {StartObjectType} . To check the relation details, navigate to Reltio Console application Data Modeler. |
2200 | Attribute 'endObjectType' must be specified for relation types | Specify theendObjectType for all relation types in the mapping |
2210 | EndObjectType {EndObjectType} is not mapped | Specify the endObjectType for all relation types in the mapping |
2220 | StartObjectType {StartObjectType} does not match or extend endObject type defined in relation metadata '{relationMetadata}' | Provide the correct type for {StartObjectType} . To check relation details navigate to Reltio Console application Data Modeler. |
2230 | StartObject type '{StartObjectType}' is not present in mapping | Provide the mapping for {StartObjectType} to use it in relation. |
2240 | StartObject mapped to Salesforce type '{sObjectType1}'. It does not match with parent object type {sObjectType2} | Replace the {sObjectType1} with {sObjectType2} in mapping to comply Salesforce metadata. |
2250 | EndObject type '{EndObject1}' it does not match to current Salesforce object type '{EndObject2}' | Replace the {EndObject1} with {EndObject2} in mapping to comply Salesforce metadata. |
2260 | Attribute 'startField' of 'sobject' must be specified for relation types | Providethe sobject startField attribute in relation mapping. |
2270 | Attribute 'endField' of 'sobject' must be specified for relation types | Provide the sobject endField attribute in relation mapping. |
2280 | StartObject entity type '{entityType}' cannot be mapped to sobject type '{sObjectType}' | Replace {entityType} with appropriate entity type. Entity type should match or extend base entity type specified as Start Object of relation type. To check relation details navigate to Reltio Console application Data Modeler. |
2290 | EndObject entity type '{entityType}' cannot be mapped to sobject type '{sObjectType}' | Replace the {entityType} with appropriate entity type. Entity type should match or extend the base entity type specified as End Object of the relation type. To check relation details, navigate to Reltio Console application Data Modeler. |
2300 | Required sobject field '{field}' is missing in 'attributeMapping' | Specify the required {field} for appropriate sObject Type in attribute mapping. Without specifying the required field, create events cannot be processed from Reltio to Salesforce. |
2310 | Required field '{field}' is missing | Specify the {field} in mapping. |
2320 | Attribute '{attribute}' does not exist in Salesforce object '{sObject}' | Check for typos in the {attribute} specified for the {sObject} attribute mapping. |
2330 | Attribute '{attribute}' is ExternalID field and cannot be used in Reltio -> Salesforce mapping | Remove the {attribute} from attribute mapping, as it is read only. |
2340 | Sobject field '{field}' is read-only field and cannot be used in Reltio -> Salesforce mapping | Remove {field} from attribute mapping, as it is read only. |
2350 | Attribute '{attribute}' does not exist in Reltio object '{entity}' | Check for typos in the {attribute} in {entity} mapping. Use the Data Modeler Reltio Console application to verify existing attribute names. |
2355 | Attribute '{0}' must have string value | Check if the {attribute} in {entity} mapping has string value. |
2360 | Attribute 'relationType' has '{relationValue}' value. L3 configuration does not have this relation type in the 'relationTypes' list | Remove the {relationType} from mapping. Check the list of available relations in Data Modeler Reltio Console application. |
2370 | Attribute 'relationType' has '{relationValue}' value which is already used in custom object relation mapping | Remove the {relationValue} from relations mapping. |
2380 | Attribute 'sfdcAttrName' has '{attrValue}' value. This field is not found in Salesforce metadata | Remove the {attrValue} from attribute mapping. Check for the list of available sObject fields in Salesforce. |
2390 | Attribute 'sfdcAttrName' has '{attrValue}' value. This field cannot contain a reference to another object | Fix the {attrValue} to appropriate value following the Salesforce Connector Mapping documentation. |
2400 | Attribute '{attr}' does not exist in Reltio object '{entityType}' | Remove {attr} from attributes mapping. Check the list of available {entityType} entity attributes in Data Modeler Reltio Console application. |
2410 | Attribute '{attr}' has 'Reference' type. Attribute mapping must have 'sobject' or 'compoundFieldName' | Fix {attr} to correct sObject type or compoundFieldName . Check the list of available sObject fields in Salesforce. |
2415 | Attribute 'forceRefEntityMerge' must have boolean value. Possible values: 'true|false' | Fix the forceRefEntityMerge attribute in mapping to correct the boolean value. |
2420 | Attribute '{attr}' does not exist in Salesforce object '{sObject}' | Remove {attr} from related objects mapping. Check the list of available sObject fields in Salesforce. |
2430 | Attribute 'relationType' has '{relationType}' value. L3 configuration does not have this relation type in the 'relationTypes' list | Remove {relationType} from mapping. Check the list of available relations in Data Modeler Reltio Console application. |
2440 | Attribute '{attr}' does not exist in Reltio object '{entityType}' | Remove {attr} from attributes mapping. Check the list of available entity attributes in Data Modeler Reltio Console application. |
2450 | Attribute '{attr}' does not exist in Salesforce object '{sObject}' in childRelationships | Remove {attr} from related objects mapping. Check the list of available sObject fields in Salesforce. |
2460 | Filter '{filter}' has wrong format or function type is not supported | Fix the {filter} expression by following the Mapping Filter documentation. |
2470 | Function '{fnName}' has wrong format | Fix the function {fnName} format by following the Mapping Functions documentation. |
2480 | Function '{fnName}' is not supported | Remove the function {fnName} from mapping and use a supported function by following the Mapping Functions documentation. |
2490 | Function '{fnName}' has no arguments | Provide appropriate arguments for the function {fnName} by following the Mapping Functions documentation. |
2500 | Attribute '{attr}' in function '{fnName}' does not exist in Reltio object '{entityType}' | Fix the expression to use the appropriate entity attribute. |
2510 | Attribute '{attr}' in function '{fnName}' does not exist in Salesforce object '{sObject}' | Fix the expression to use appropriate sObject field. |
2520 | Function '{fnName}' must have one parameter | Specify a parameter for the function {fnName} . |
2530 | Attribute '{attr}' in function '{fnName}' does not exist in Reltio object '{entityType}' | Fix the expression to use appropriate entity attribute. |
2540 | Attribute '{attr}' in function '{fnName}' does not exist in Salesforce object '{sObject}' | Fix the expression to use appropriate sObject field. |
2550 | Function '{fnName}' must have two parameters | Specify two parameter for the function {fnName} . |
2555 | Function '{0}' must have two or more parameters | Specify two or more parameter for function {fnName} . |
2560 | Function '{fnName}' argument should be a number | Fix the function {fnName} argument. It should be a number. |
2570 | Function '{fnName}' must have {paramsQuantity} parameters | Specify the {paramsQuantity} parameters for the function {fnName} . |
2575 | Function '{0}' cannot be used after function 'split'. | Do not use the equalsLookup or notEqualsLookup functions in a sequence of functions if the "split" function was previously used. |
2580 | Reltio type '{reltioType}' ({entityType}) not convertible to sf type '{sfType}' ({sObject}) |
Change the attribute type in Reltio or the field type in Salesforce to be compliant. If this is not possible, then use the expression to overcome limitation (example: “=source(attribute)“) |
2590 | Sf type '{sfType}' ({sObject}) not convertible to Reltio type '{reltioType}' ({entityType}) |
Change the attribute type in Reltio or the field type in Salesforce to be compliant. If this is not possible, then use the expression to overcome limitation (example: “=source(field)“) |
Debugging API Error Codes
Code | Message | Fix |
3000 | Object type is not specified | Specify the object type in request. |
3010 | Mapping for '{sObject}' and recordTypeId '{recordType}' and tenant '{tenantId}' not found | Create the mapping for {sObject} {recordType} for {tenantId} if it is expected. |
3020 | Mapping for '{sObject}' and tenant '{tenantId}' not found | Create the mapping for {sObject} for {tenantId} if it is expected. |
3030 | No mapping found for type '{sObject}' and record type '{recordType}' | Create the mapping for {sObject} and {recordType} if it is expected. |
Custom Logic API Error Codes
Code | Message | Fix |
4000 | Incorrect custom logic format | Fix the custom logic script format by following the Custom Logic documentation. |
4010 | {hookName} is not supported | Remove the {hookName} from custom logic script as it is not supported. |
4020 | {value} is not a Function | Fix the {value} to comply with the JavaScript Function format. |
4030 | Error occurred during module generation: {details} | Verify the custom logic script content for errors which occur due to script compilation. If no issues are found, then contact the Reltio support team. |
4040 | Custom Logic is not configured for '{profileName}' profile | Create custom logic script and post it if you are expecting one. If not, you may ignore the error. |
Events API Error Codes
Code | Message | Fix |
5000 | Statistics is globally disabled | Contact Reltio support team to enable statistics in Salesforce Connector service. |
5010 | Statistics is disabled for {tenantId} | Update the profile configuration for {tenantId} by enabling statistics (you need to remove statistics section and not to disable events collection). |
5020 | [{wrongDatetimeValue}] not a Datetime | Fix the {wrongDatetimeValue} to correct the format by following the Events API documentation. |
5030 | [{wrongValue}] wrong {paramName}, possible values: [{possibleValues}] | Fix the {wrongValue} for {paramName} to one of the values from {possibleValues} |
5040 | [{paramName}] is mandatory | Provide the {paramName} in request. |
5050 | [{wrongValue}] is not valid value for [{paramName}] | Fix the {wrongValue} for {paramName} by following the Events API documentation. |
5060 | [{wrongUri}] is not uri | Fix the {wrongUri} to appropriate Reltio entity URI format. |
5070 | Statistics is not available for AWS SFDC Connector Instances. | When the functionality is available, it will be implemented. |
Connected Organizations API Error Code
Code | Message | Fix |
6000 | Cannot get organizations connected to Reltio tenant | Contact the Reltio support team to get details about the error. |
Synchronization API Error Codes
Code | Message | Fix |
8000 | Should be array data with size no more than {size}. | Check the request body in JSON Array format and decrease size of the data, if it exceeds the limit. |
8010 | Reltio type '{entityType}' does not exist in the mapping | Provide the mapping for {entityType} . |
8020 | Merge is switched off for Reltio type '{entityType}' | Update the mapping for {entityType} to enable merge. |
8030 | Merge is not supported for Reltio type '{entityType}' | Update the mapping for {entityType} to support merge. |
8040 | Incoming data should be an Object | Format the request body as JSON. |
8050 | Incoming data should be valid JSON data. | Format the request body as JSON. |
8060 | No uri found for type: '{type}'. | Specify other reltio type to perform synchronization. |
8070 | '{uriValue}' is not valid uri | Fix {uriValue} to appropriate Reltio entity URI format. |
Monitoring API Error Codes
Code | Message | Fix |
9010 | Parameter 'from' should have 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ' format | Fix the from query parameter to appropriate format. |
9020 | Parameter 'to' should have 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ' format | Fix the to query parameter to appropriate format. |
9030 | Maximum time range '{timeRange} days' exceeded | Decrease the time range in request. |
9050 | Parameter 'enabled' must be 'true' or 'false' | Fix the enabled query parameter value. |
9060 | Monitoring API is not available for AWS SFDC Connector Instances. | When the functionality is available, it will be implemented. |
Salesforce Connector Synchronization Process Error Codes
Code | Old Code | Flow Direction | Message | Cause | Fix |
CNR_3500 | CNR_E211 | Reltio → Salesforce | Entity not processed |
Connector logs this message when the entity data synchronization process from Reltio to Salesforce fails on any of these steps with application error:
| Understand the root cause of the problem on Reltio or Salesforce side and fix it. If requests are failing due to ETIMEDOUT more than expected, ensure that ALL Connector IP addresses (from all pods) are added to whitelist. Additionally, check Salesforce limits and concurrency capacity to deal with API requests to match the predicted data load (Salesforce Developers). Manually re-sync the entity or generate a new Reltio event. |
CNR_3501 | CNR_E211 | Reltio → Salesforce | Entity not processed due to data error | Connector logs this message when the entity data synchronization process from Reltio to Salesforce fails on any of these steps with data error:
Applicable for event types:
Examples of functional/data errors (not complete list):
| Understand the root cause of the problem on the Salesforce side and fix it. Manually re-sync the entity or generate a new Reltio event. |
CNR_3504 | N/A | Reltio → Salesforce | Relation not processed |
Connector logs this message when the relation data synchronization process from Reltio to Salesforce fails on any of these steps with application error:
Applicable for event types:
Connector will automatically retry requests to Salesforce if there is an internal timeout (For example, ETIMEDOUT) or network issue until the retry limit is reached (default = 4). This log entry is created only after all attempts are exhausted, which means that this event/entity was not synchronized. | Understand the root cause of the problem on Reltio or Salesforce side and fix it. If requests are failing due to ETIMEDOUT more than expected, ensure that ALL Connector IP addresses (from all pods) are added to whitelist. Additionally, check Salesforce limits and concurrency capacity to deal with API requests to match the predicted data load (Salesforce Developers). Manually re-sync the entity or generate a new Reltio event. |
CNR_3505 | N/A | Reltio → Salesforce | Relation not processed due to data error | Connector logs this message when the relation data synchronization process from Reltio to Salesforce fails on any of these steps with data error:
Applicable for event types:
Examples of functional/data errors (not complete list):
Understand the root cause of the problem on Reltio or Salesforce side and fix it. Manually re-sync the relation or generate a new Reltio event. |
CNR_3510 | CNR_W004 | Reltio → Salesforce |
Event processing has reached timeout. Retry events processing will be executed. |
Connector logs this message when the connector is unable to finish the data synchronization process (which can include a batch of items) from Reltio to Salesforce within the pre-configured timeout (default is 5 min). A data synchronization process is composed of the following steps:
If the connector is unable to complete these steps, it will log this error message and automatically retry the process from the beginning for the events that were not completed. |
Repeated log messages for the same event may indicate that part of the process is taking more time than anticipated. This may be due to slowness of the involved systems, number of retries, applicational, or data issues. We recommend that you use the For example, connector post callback for the entity with thousands of attributes and platform is unable to process it and send a response. |
CNR_3600 | CNR_E220 | Salesforce → Reltio | Salesforce event not processed |
Connector logs this message when it is unable to finish the data synchronization process from Salesforce to Reltio due to an application error. A data synchronization process is composed of the following steps:
Possible errors:
Applicable for event types:
Understand the root cause of the problem on Reltio side and fix it. Manually re-sync the Salesforce event. |
CNR_3601 | CNR_E220 | Salesforce → Reltio | Salesforce event not processed due to data error |
Connector logs this message when it is unable to finish the data synchronization process from Salesforce to Reltio due to data error. A data synchronization process is composed by the following steps:
Possible errors:
Applicable for event types:
Understand the root cause of the problem on Reltio side and fix it. Manually re-sync the Salesforce event. |