Accelerate the Value of Data

Salesforce Config Encryption API

This API allows Password Encryption in Salesforce Connector config file.

This operation encrypts passwords in the Salesforce Connector configuration file.


POST {SFDCConnectorURL}/configencryption
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}


  "reltioSQS": {
    "awsOwner": "Owner123",
    "queue": "connector_{env}_{tenant}"
  "salesforce": {
    "name": "ABCDTst01",
    "loginUrl": "",
    "user": "",
    "password": "Sfdcpassword",
    "processingTimeout": 300,
    "pollTime": 3600,
    "fetchSize": 50,
    "maxRequest": 25,
    "sessiontimeout": 10
  "reltio": {
    "tenantUrl": "{tenantId}/",
    "authUrl": "",
    "username": "reltio.user",
    "password": "reltio.password",
    "authToken": "cmVsdGlvX3VpOm1ha2l0YQ==",
    "batchSize": 50,
    "maxapicall": 300,
    "apicallTime": "second",
    "maxRetries": 3,
    "delayBetweenRetries": 1000,
    "rdmUrl": "",
    "rdmTenant": "{tenant}",
    "rdmSource": "Veeva",
    "rdmUpdateInterval": 600000
  "alias": "abcd"


Encrypted configuration file. For the above example, you get the encrypted response such as the following:

  "reltioSQS": {
    "awsOwner": "Owner123",
    "queue": "connector_{env}_{tenant}"
  "salesforce": {
    "name": "ABCDTst01",
    "loginUrl": "",
    "user": "",
    "password": "{encrypted password}",
    "processingTimeout": 300,
    "pollTime": 3600,
    "fetchSize": 50,
    "maxRequest": 25,
    "sessiontimeout": 10
  "reltio": {
    "tenantUrl": "{tenantId}/",
    "authUrl": "",
    "username": "reltio.user",
    "password": "{encrypted password}",
    "authToken": "cmVsdGlvX3VpOm1ha2l0YQ==",
    "batchSize": 50,
    "maxapicall": 300,
    "apicallTime": "second",
    "maxRetries": 3,
    "delayBetweenRetries": 1000,
    "rdmUrl": "",
    "rdmTenant": "{tenant}",
    "rdmSource": "Veeva",
    "rdmUpdateInterval": 600000
  "alias": "abcd"