Unify and manage your data

Perform Search

This API allows you to perform searches in Reltio Customer Tenant, Data Tenant, and Salesforce.

The query parameters in the API can be provided using the Salesforce fields. These fields are then converted to the Reltio attributes within the API call using the synchronization mapping.

Salesforce supports two methods of search: For more information on these search methods, refer the Salesforce documentation by clicking the links above.

The Search Before Create (SBC) API utilizes both the SOSL and SOQL methods. If the SOSL search option is switched on, SBC will perform the search using the SOSL method first.

To enable SOSL search, use the useSOSL option in the options query parameter. The SOSL search option cannot be used under the following conditions:
  • Search value contains a single character
  • Search is performed by non-text fields
  • Search is performed by the child object (for example, by an Address field for an organization)
  • Search query returns the child object fields (for example, select query parameter contains an Address field for an organization)
Note: If conditions are not completed, then a regular SOQL search is applied.


Table 1. Parameters
Search CriteriaSOSL ComplaintReason
Account by name containing Joetrue
Account by revenue equals to $10000falseSearch only by numeric field, so that SOQL will be used
Account by name containing Some Company and revenue equals to $100000true


GET {SbcApiUrl}/{tenant}/{profile}/search
Table 2. Parameters
PathSbcApiUrlYesSBC service URL
tenantYesTenant ID
profileYesProfile name
QuerysObjectYesType of Salesforce object
recordTypeIdnoRecord Type Id of Salesforce object
selectnoList of fields in results. Example: select=FirstName,LastName,Address_vod__c.City
optionsnoSearch options:
  • searchByOv - search only in ov=true values
  • useContains - compare values as contains (equals (startsWith?) is used by default)
  • useFuzzy - search with fuzzy match operator
  • useOr - several conditions will be combined with the ‘OR’ statement
  • useSOSL - search by using search query (SOSL) instead of SOQL as priority search method in Salesforce
filteryesSBC search filter that contains the field:data map. Example: FirstName:John,LastName:Doe
searchinnoParameter used to override default options to search only in specific sources
maxnoLimits number of records in the search results. The limit is is distributed between all search sources in priority:
  1. Salesforce
  2. Customer tenant
  3. Data tenant
sortnoField to sort search results. Example: Name
ordernoOrder of sorting. Applicable only in combination with the sort parameter. Possible values:
  • asc - results appear in the ascending order.
  • desc - results appear in the descending order.
The default sorting order is asc.

Request Example



Response Example

 "sf": [],
 "dt": [],
 "ct": [
     "attributes": {
       "type": "Account"      
     "FirstName": "HCPTest-73799013",
     "LastName": "LastName",
     "Salutation": "Mr.",
     "Website": null,
     "Description": null,
     "Active__c": null,
     "PersonHomePhone": null,
     "PersonMobilePhone": null,
     "relatedObjects": [
         "attributes": {
           "type": "Address_vod__c"
         "Name": "AddressLine1-73799013",
         "Address_line_2_vod__c": "AddressLine2Updated",
         "City_vod__c": "City-73799013",
         "Zip_vod__c": "11111",
         "State_vod__c": "AK",
         "Country_vod__c": "UNITED STATES",
         "Primary_vod__c": true,
         "AdditionalInfo_vod__c": "AdditionalInfoUpdated",
         "Account_vod__c": "001f400000O4AaJAAV"

Search in Address Objects

There are several scenarios of Salesforce metadata configuration for related Address objects and search scenarios as follows:
  1. Address types are not separated. The sync mapping and sbc inputMappings have single Address_vod__c related object mapping, and mapping for different address types is the same.
  2. Address types are separated by RecordType. The sync mapping and sbc inputMappings have several Address_vod__c related object mappings differing by recordTypeId sObject attribute, and mapping for different address types may be unique.
  3. Address types are separated by some field value, for example addressType. The sync mapping and sbc inputMappings have single Address_vod__c related object, and mapping for different address types is the same.
  4. Address types are separated by boolean attribute, for example, shipping_vod__c and mailing_vod__c boolean fields and each address type has an appropriate selected field. The sync mapping and sbc inputMappings have single Address_vod__c related object, and mapping for the different address types is the same.
Table 3. Parameters
SF ConfigurationSearch in all AddressesSearch in a particular Address
Supported Query Comments SupportedQueryComments
No SeparationYAddress_vod_c.fieldName:valueN
RecordTypeYAddress_vod_c.RecordTypeID_X.fieldName:value, Address_vod_c.RecordTypeID_Y.fieldName:value "options"=useOrIn this case, provide value for each address type and provide the options request parameter with the useOr option in the search criteria. Else, the search will search with a condition to search for some value in all address types.Address_vod_c.RecordTypeID_X.fieldName:value
Address type fieldYAddress_vod_c.fieldName:valueYAddress_vod_c.fieldName:value,Address_vod_c.Type:typeValueUser must specify a value for the address type field to ensure that the search result is based on the user provided value. Else, the search is performed by all addresses.
Note: The address type field must be mapped to the appropriate Reltio attribute.
Several boolean fieldsYAddress_vod_c.fieldName:valueYAddress_vod_c.fieldName:value,Address_vod_c.Type_field:true