Unify and manage your data

Starting a Task

Use this API to start a task.

The API parameters are listed in Table 1: Start Task.

Table 1. Start Task
Parameters Name Required Description
Headers ContentType Yes Format must be "Content-Type:application/json".
Headers Authorization Yes Contains information about the authentication access token. Format must be "Bearer 'access token'".
Path tenant Yes Contains the Reltio tenant name.
Path profile Yes Contains the Salesforce Profile ID. In most cases, the Profile ID is the Salesforce Organization ID, and it has 18 digits.
Path taskType Yes Contains the task type. Currently, the syncReltio task type is supported.
Query email No Contains the email address of the user to whom the task notifications will be sent.


POST {connector}/tasks/{tenant}/{profile}/{taskType}


{JSON Arguments specific for a task}
Note: The arguments that are displayed in the request body are task-specific. You can see the available tasks in the Available Tasks section.


200 Task #{task id} has been created.

Available Tasks