Unify and manage your data

Configure pipeline scheduler

Learn about the Delta Lake API endpoint to configure the scheduler job for the pipeline.

Use this endpoint to configure the scheduler job of the Databricks Delta Lake pipeline.

You need to have a role with Tenant admin and Datapipeline tenant admin to run the endpoint.



where {{hub-url}} is https://{{env}}-data-pipeline-hub.reltio.com.

Table 1. Header
AuthorizationstringYesThe bearer token URL returned by the Authentication.For information on obtaining an authorization token to run Reltio REST APIs using the Security OAuth 2.0 security method, see topic Authentication API.
Content-type stringYesThe format to use to transmit data:
Reltio APIs transmit data in the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) standard text-based format.
Table 2. Parameters - Path
tenantId stringYesThe unique identification number for the Reltio tenant, for example:
Table 3. Parameters - Body
cronExpressionstructYesCron job expression.


Table 4. Request example
This example shows how to run a request
"cronExpression":"24 38 9 20 * ?" 
Table 5. Response examples
Success example:
"status": "SUCCESS", 
"errors": [], 
"adapter-response": { 
  "job_id": "327543511345588" 
This example shows the response returned for the request example above.
Result of the request
Any errors when the result is not a success.
Details of the request's result.
Validation error when pipeline not enabled:
"severity": "Error", 
"errorMessage": "Adapter not enabled for deltalake.", 
"errorCode": 8004, 
"errorDetailMessage": "Adapter not enabled for deltalake.", 
"foundErrors": null, 
"innerErrorData": null, 
"causedBy": null, 
"asJSON": "{\"severity\":\"Error\",\"errorMessage\":\"Adapter not enabled for deltalake.\",\"errorCode\":8004,\"errorDetailMessage\":\"Adapter not enabled for 
deltalake.\",\"foundErrors\":null,\"innerErrorData\":null,\"exception\":null,\" stack\":null,\"causedBy\":null}" 
Validation error when you speficy the cron job incorrectly:
"severity": "Error", 
"errorMessage": "Invalid Job cron expression.", 
"errorCode": 8019, 
"errorDetailMessage": "Invalid Job cron expression.", 
"foundErrors": null, 
"innerErrorData": null, 
"exception": null, 
"stack": null, 
"causedBy": null 
Validation error when pipeline is not present for the tenant
"severity": "Error", 
"errorMessage": "Pipeline not found for tenant.", 
"errorCode": 8020, 
"errorDetailMessage": "Pipeline not found for tenant. Please configure pipeline using endpoint.", 
"foundErrors": null, 
"innerErrorData": null, 
"exception": null, 
"stack": null, 
"causedBy": null 
Validation error when there is another active scheduler job already present:
"severity": "Error", 
"errorMessage": "Pipeline Job already present.", 
"errorCode": 8021, 
"errorDetailMessage": "Pipeline Job already present. Please delete the existing job and create new one.", 
"foundErrors": null, 
"innerErrorData": null, 
"exception": null, 
"stack": null, 
"causedBy": null 