Accelerate the Value of Data

Data Change Request API

Data change request is a collection of suggested changes for one or several objects.

Users without privileges to update objects, such as customer sales representatives, or users who want changes reviewed before being applied, can suggest changes. These suggested changes accumulate in the data change requests queue for review and approval by users with approval privileges.

Data changes may include any of the following activities:
  • Add/update/delete an attribute value
  • Create an entity or relationship
  • Delete a relationship
  • Change object fields like tags, roles, startDate, endDate, and so on.

Data Change Request Structure

Table 1. Top Level Fields




URI Unique URI of the data change request String, URI
type Type of the Data Change Request (only one type can be defined in the configuration)URI
createdBy Identifier of the user who created this data change request String
createdTime Time of creation of data change UTC timestamp, ms
updatedBy Identifier of the user who updated the data change request last timeString
updatedTime Time of last update of the data change requestUTC timestamp, ms
changes Change request items grouped by object URIsJSON Object
objectsInfo Information about objects participating in this data change request: type, label, secondaryLabel, startObjectLabel, startObjectUri, endObjectLabel, endObjectUriisExist. This property exists only if showObjectsInfo=true request parameter was specified. JSON Object
state Current state of the data change request: AWAITING_REVIEW, APPLIED, REJECTED. String
externalInfo Any external information that can be used in custom Workflow API processes. Inside the externalInfo structure, customers can maintain any additional fields they need on DCR. JSON Object
Table 2. Possible Object Change Item Fields




attributePath Path to an attribute inside the object. String
attributeType Attribute type URI from metadata. String
conflict Type of the conflict. This property is present only if the change item has conflicts. String
conflictDetails Additional details about conflicts.String
createdBy Identifier of a user created the Data Change Request item. String
createdTime Time of creation of the Data Change Request item. UTC timestamp, ms
crosswalk Crosswalk to which the attribute belongs. JSON Object, Crosswalk
id Unique ID of the change item. String
newPinOrIgnoreValue The value of "pin" or "ignored" property at the moment when this item was created. Boolean
newValue Suggested value of an attribute or JSON of an object which is requested to be created. JSON Object, Attribute or Entity or Relation
oldValue The value of an attribute at the moment when this item was created. JSON Object, Attribute
type Type of object change item. String, Object Change Type (see below)
refAttributeType Type of the attribute inside the reference attribute. String
refObjectURI URI of reference entity or relation which contains the attribute for which some changes are requested (exists only for attribute changes inside reference attributes).URI

Possible Object Change Types

The following types are supported:


Possible Object Change Types

  "uri": "changeRequests/0000Bij",
  "createdBy": "User",
  "createdTime": 1610521042883,
  "updatedBy": "User",
  "updatedTime": 1610521056387,
  "changes": {
    "entities/00005KL": [
        "id": "0000fYX",
        "type": "INSERT_ATTRIBUTE",
        "createdTime": 1610521048011,
        "createdBy": "User",
        "attributePath": "ProductMetrics/2/ExternalID",
        "newValue": {
          "value": "NewId"
        "crosswalk": {
          "type": "configuration/sources/SomeSource",
          "value": "e1",
          "dataProvider": true
        "attributeType": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/ProductMetrics/attributes/ExternalID"
        "id": "0001Hur",
        "type": "UPDATE_ATTRIBUTE",
        "createdTime": 1610521052077,
        "createdBy": "User",
        "attributePath": "Identifiers/5",
        "oldValue": {
          "value": {
            "Type": [
                "value": "Test"
            "ID": [
                "value": "1111"
        "newValue": {
          "value": {
            "Type": [
                "value": "NewType"
            "ID": [
                "value": "2222"
        "crosswalk": {
          "type": "configuration/sources/SomeSource",
          "value": "e1",
          "dataProvider": true
        "attributeType": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/Identifiers"
        "id": "0001hUP",
        "type": "PIN_ATTRIBUTE",
        "createdTime": 1610521054278,
        "createdBy": "User",
        "attributePath": "FirstName/0",
        "oldValue": {
          "value": "Test",
          "pin": true
        "newPinOrIgnoreValue": false,
        "attributeType": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/FirstName"
        "id": "0001585",
        "type": "DELETE_ATTRIBUTE",
        "createdTime": 1610521050933,
        "createdBy": "User",
        "attributePath": "ProductMetrics/2/NumberPatients/4",
        "oldValue": {
          "value": "1111"
        "crosswalk": {
          "type": "configuration/sources/SomeSource",
          "value": "e1",
          "dataProvider": true
        "attributeType": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/ProductMetrics/attributes/NumberPatients"
        "id": "0001uHB",
        "type": "IGNORE_ATTRIBUTE",
        "createdTime": 1610521055333,
        "createdBy": "User",
        "attributePath": "LastName/1",
        "oldValue": {
          "value": "Test",
          "ignored": true
        "newPinOrIgnoreValue": false,
        "attributeType": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/LastName"
        "id": "0000sLJ",
        "type": "UPDATE_ATTRIBUTE",
        "createdTime": 1610521049811,
        "createdBy": "User",
        "attributePath": "ProductMetrics/2/Name/3",
        "oldValue": {
          "value": "Initial"
        "newValue": {
          "value": "Changed"
        "crosswalk": {
          "type": "configuration/sources/SomeSource",
          "value": "e1",
          "dataProvider": true
        "attributeType": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/ProductMetrics/attributes/Name"
        "id": "0001Uhd",
        "type": "UPDATE_ATTRIBUTE",
        "createdTime": 1610521053160,
        "createdBy": "User",
        "attributePath": "Address/00006OP",
        "oldValue": {
          "value": {
            "AddressRank": [
                "value": "1"
            "AddressLine1": [
                "value": "Address1"
          "refEntity": {
            "crosswalks": [
                "type": "configuration/sources/SomeSource",
                "value": "763127815f9f6ec9e2b9a399db8d18c7"
            "objectURI": "entities/00009ab"
          "refRelation": {
            "crosswalks": [
                "type": "configuration/sources/SomeSource",
                "value": "r1"
            "startRefPinned": false,
            "endRefPinned": false,
            "startRefIgnored": false,
            "endRefIgnored": false
        "newValue": {
          "value": {
            "AddressRank": [
                "value": "222"
            "AddressLine1": [
                "value": "AddressNew"
          "refEntity": {
            "crosswalks": [
                "type": "configuration/sources/SomeSource",
                "value": "Surrogate"
            "objectURI": "entities/0006cEr"
          "refRelation": {
            "crosswalks": [
                "type": "configuration/sources/SomeSource",
                "value": "newRel"
            "startRefPinned": false,
            "endRefPinned": false,
            "startRefIgnored": false,
            "endRefIgnored": false
        "crosswalk": {
          "type": "configuration/sources/SomeSource",
          "value": "e1",
          "dataProvider": true
        "attributeType": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/Address"
    "relations/00006OP": [
        "id": "000273x",
        "type": "INSERT_ATTRIBUTE",
        "createdTime": 1610521056387,
        "createdBy": "User",
        "attributePath": "AddressRank",
        "newValue": {
          "value": "999"
        "crosswalk": {
          "type": "configuration/sources/SomeSource",
          "value": "r1",
          "dataProvider": true
        "attributeType": "configuration/relationTypes/HasAddress/attributes/AddressRank"
  "objectsInfo": {
    "entities/00009ab": {
      "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Location",
      "label": "Address1",
      "secondaryLabel": "",
      "isExist": true
    "entities/00005KL": {
      "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual",
      "label": "Test",
      "secondaryLabel": "Address1",
      "isExist": true
    "entities/0006cEr": {
      "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Location",
      "label": "AddressNew",
      "secondaryLabel": "",
      "isExist": false
    "relations/00006OP": {
      "type": "configuration/relationTypes/HasAddress",
      "startObjectUri": "entities/00005KL",
      "startObjectLabel": "Test",
      "endObjectUri": "entities/00009ab",
      "endObjectLabel": "Address1",
      "isExist": true
  "type": "configuration/changeRequestTypes/default",
  "state": "AWAITING_REVIEW"

DCR Security

Not all users can create, review, apply or reject data change requests. To be able to create a data change request, users must have:

  • READ privilege for objects for which data change request will be created;
  • INITIATE_CHANGE_REQUEST privilege for the whole object or at least for its attributes for which change requests will be created.

All users can view their own data change requests, but in order to be able to view data change requests from other users, users must have ACCEPT_CHANGE_REQUEST privilege for all objects in data change requests.

For applying or rejecting a data change request, users must have ACCEPT_CHANGE_REQUEST privilege for all objects in the data change request.

Note: Users with ROLE_ADMIN or ROLE_ADMIN_TENANT_* don't need ACCEPT_CHANGE_REQUEST and/or INITIATE_CHANGE_REQUEST privileges. Such users have full control over DCRs.

In order to apply a change request the users must also have READ, CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE, and MERGE privileges on the changed objects and depending on the change type, or, if the applyDcrWithoutPermissions flag is set to true, just a READ privilege. For more details, see topic Permissions.