Unify and manage your data

Entity Monitoring API

Learn about monitoring entities using the Entity Monitoring API.

The Entity Monitoring API returns the events for a particular entity. The API can facilitate a query for any period up to 1 day for the past 30 days. The Entity Monitoring API specifies the event details, such as event type, event state, and time of creation to track back to your cloud storage and Snowflake environments. With this information, you can understand where in the data transfer process your event is.
Note: To validate complete event details, use the timestamp in the event ID and the object URI to match in Snowflake.


GET {{hub-url}}/api/tenants/{tenantId}/monitoring/_entityMonitoring

Where hub-url is your tenant environment-data-pipeline-hub.reltio.com.

Table 1. Parameters
entityIdYesThe entity for which you want to check event details.
fromNo, will be 1 day be defaultThe %timeinterval; is in milliseconds (UNIX Epoch). Use to check consistency.
toNoThe %timeinterval; is in milliseconds. (UNIX Epoch). Use to check consistency.
maxNo, will be 10 by default.The limit of incomplete events returned in the response.


Returns the event transferred for a tenant ID.

Sample Request

GET {{test-usg-data-pipeline-hub.reltio.com}}/api/tenants/{tenantId}/monitoring/_entityMonitoring

Sample Response

{ "events": [ { "eventId": "1673605259655_00Ouu74", "eventType": "ENTITY_CHANGED", "eventState": "CREATED", "objectUri": "1vnYEJjM", "timestamp": 1673605260312 }, { "eventId": "1673605259655_00Ouu74", "eventType": "ENTITY_CHANGED", "eventState": "RECEIVED", "objectUri": "1vnYEJjM", "timestamp": 1673605264328 }, { "eventId": "1673605259655_00Ouu74", "eventType": "ENTITY_CHANGED", "eventState": "DATAPIPELINE_PROCESSED", "objectUri": "1vnYEJjM", "timestamp": 1673605265107, "checksum": 117440512, "data_pipeline_checksum": 117440512, "data_pipeline_file_name": "tst-01/TestTenant/data-pipeline-hub-db46d669f-vfchg_1673605264835_1.gz" } ], "total_events_count": 3, "total_incomplete_events_count": 0 }

To validate the complete event details, match the timestamp in the event ID and the object URI in your Snowflake UI.

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