Unify and manage your data

Deploy BvD in the Customer Tenant

You can access BvD Integration recipes once you enable the BvD integration. To enable the feature on your tenant, create a support ticket or reach out to your Customer Success Manager (CSM).

Using Recipe lifecycle management, you can import recipes to the RIH account. Before you begin:
  1. Verify if the data model for the Customer Tenant configuration is enhanced for BvD integration. The configuration must contain a BvD identifier, a BvD crosswalk source type, and a BvD relationship type. You can also use the data model JSON template.
  2. Verify if the Data Tenant exists and the Customer Tenant is subscribed to the Data Tenant through the Data Tenant Subscription Service (DTSS).
  3. Verify if the Customer Tenant license contains an API platform. The API platform menu must be available in the Customer Tenant as shown in the following example:

To deploy the BvD integration in a Customer Tenant:
  1. Import Recipes to the Customer Environment
  2. Configure Connectors
  3. Configure Account Properties

Import Recipes to Reltio Integration Hub

To import recipes and dependencies into a Customer Tenant, you will need to import a .zip package containing exported assets. Importing a package is the final step in the recipe life cycle. After the package is imported, finished recipes can be deployed into an RIH instance.
Note: Before you import a .zip package, make sure that the Reltio BvD Integration project exists in the Customer Tenant. If the project is not present, you must create it.
To import a .zip package:
  1. In the Recipe lifecycle management page, click Import.

  2. Search for and select the .zip package that was downloaded during the export process.

  3. Select the target folder (Reltio BvD Integration) to which you want to import the recipes.
  4. Click Next.

    The wizard begins reading the contents of the .zip package and starts to load them. It will also compare the corresponding recipes and dependencies in the account and update them.

  5. The Import preview page is displayed. Here, each item is assigned a tag that provides information on its import status.
  6. Click Next. All recipes and dependencies are imported to the Reltio BvD Integration folder.
  7. Verify the recipes and dependencies in the target folder.

  8. Check if the BvD API platform has been created. If the API platform has been successfully created, the page will look like this:

Configure Connectors

BvD recipes contain three connectors: two Reltio connectors (Reltio and Reltio DT) and one HTTP Connector. To use the connectors, you must connect them to the corresponding tenants in the Reltio connectors by changing the connection details.

The following details must be configured in the Reltio connector:
  • Environment URL
  • Tenant ID
  • Tenant user name
  • Tenant password
  • Environment type

After providing the details, click Connect. Once the connection is successfully established, configure the same fields in the Reltio DT connector and configure the HTTP connector by adding the API key token of the base (administrator) environment in the BvD http connection page.

Once all three connections are successfully made, you can start the recipes.

Configure Account Properties

After the BvD recipes are imported to your account, the following properties mentioned in Table 1: Account Properties are available. To use the recipes, all properties must have values.
Table 1. Account Properties
Variable NameDescriptionCurrent or Default Value
BvDByIdRequestSizeThe maximum number of records that are retrieved for one request.10
BvDMatchRequestBatchSizeThe maximum number of records that can be matched in a batch.9
MatchAutoMergeGreaterOrEqualsBorderA floating point value. If only one potential match with a high confidence value is present, then the recipe sets an auto-merge flag for the potential match. So, the potential match is auto-merged.0.89
BvDApiTokenA unique BvD access token generated for your organization.token