Unify and manage your data

Manual import hierarchy API


The Manual Import Hierarchy task copies all or parts of a hierarchy from a data tenant to a customer tenant.

You can choose to copy either of the following from the DT to the CT by specifying the appropriate option in the importHierarchyStrategy parameter:
  1. WHOLE_HIERARCHY - The entire hierarchy of a specified graph type
  2. DESCENDANTS_HIERARCHY - The descendants of a specific node in the hierarchy
  3. ANCESTORS_HIERARCHY - The ancestors of a specific node in the hierarchy

Details of the hierarchy to be copied must be specified in the message body. The request imports the hierarchy for a specified customer tenant entity, which must be specified in the message body.

Tip: The CT entity must be subscribed to the DT entity.
POST {DTSSURL}/tasks/manual_import_hierarchy

In the request body, specify the data tenant, customer tenant, and the “graphType” of the hierarchy to be imported. The “import hierarchy strategy parameter specifies what type of import to use. On refreshing the Search page in the Customer Tenant, you can find the hierarchy updated from the data tenant.