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Missing Content on Sync Mappings Tab

Reltio Control Panel displays nothing on Sync Mappings tab, after you refresh the sandbox org.

Refreshing causes changes in the organization ID. However, Reltio Integration for Salesforce continues to use the previous value, but these IDs are used for all SFDC Connector Configuration API and Search Before Create API requests. As the tenant profile, defined by the new Organisation ID does not exist, all the requests fail with 404 error.


Perform the following steps to resolve this issue:
  1. Retrieve information about profile configuration, mapping and custom logic (cl):
    1. GET {{SFDCConnectorUrl}}/configuration/{{tenant}}/{{oldOrganisationId}}
    2. GET {{SFDCConnectorUrl}}/configuration/{{tenant}}/{{oldOrganisationId}}/mapping
    3. {{SFDCConnectorUrl}}/configuration/{{tenant}}/{{oldOrganisationId}}/cl
  2. Delete the old profile. Otherwise, the new profile will not be created with same Salesforce source.
    1. DELETE {{SFDCConnectorUrl}}/configuration/{{tenant}}/{{oldOrganisationId}}
  3. Create new profile, appropriate mapping, and the cl.
    1. The following command displays the API posting the old profile. You can repost the old profile into the new profile.

      POST {{SFDCConnectorUrl}}/configuration/{{tenant}}/{{newOrganisationId}}

    2. The following command displays the API for posting the mapping. You can get the mapping from the previous profile and repost it into the new profile.

      POST {{SFDCConnectorUrl}}/configuration/{{tenant}}/{{newOrganisationId}}/mapping

    3. The following command displays the API for posting the old custom logic. You can get the old custom logic from the previous profile and repost it into the new profile.

      POST {{SFDCConnectorUrl}}/configuration/{{tenant}}/{{newOrganisationId}}/cl